Chapter 19

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Later that night after they'd finally migrated upstairs, after the walk of shame past an elderly couple in the parking garage, they lay wrapped in Claire's covers. Claire curled in Pierce's arms. "Does this mean I get to call myself your boyfriend now?" He asked sleepily.

"Only if I get to call myself your girlfriend." She yawned.

Pierce chuckled, feeling content. "Come to breakfast."

Claire sighed. She had no more fight left in her. "Art is going to kill me."

"He'll get over it." Pierce smiled as he kissed the top of her head. Now that she was officially his girlfriend, he could tell her he loved her, right? Boyfriends told their girlfriends they loved them all the time. The commitment in and of itself was an admission of love. "So, yes?"

"Yes." Claire grumbled then ducked her head under the covers. "What am I supposed to wear to meet your mother? I don't even have time to go shopping."

Pierce chuckled again and dove under the covers with her. He laid himself out over her nude form, looking into her hazel orbs. "I'm sure you'll find something perfect. Besides, my parents would love you if you were wearing a potato sack."

"What if they don't? What if your mother hates me?" Claire pouted cutely up at him.

He nipped her bottom lip. "They will love you just as much as I do." He confessed.

She froze and stared up at him, all humor fading from her. Her gaze searched his face in the dark, from inches away. He knew he was asking a lot from her tonight, but he couldn't seem to stop. She was devouring him, and he wanted all of her too. He gently moved a strand of hair from her face, staring down at her lovingly as his thumb stroked her cheek.

Claire swallowed as he watched her patiently. Ever patient Pierce. He didn't seem upset that she hadn't said it back yet. She tested the waters. "You love me?"

"Mhm." He nudged her nose with his. "Does that scare you?"

"A little."

"Don't be. Boyfriends are supposed to love their girlfriends." He informed her. The unspoken implications that the same were true of girlfriends hung in the air.

"What a nice perk." She said a little breathier than she had intended.

"Are we okay?" His eyes were soft and the weight of him on top of her was intoxicating. She bit her lip and gave a hesitant nod as she pushed back her fear. The last man who said he'd loved her had cheated on her and broken her world into a million pieces. She was still trying to fit them back together.

As if reading her mind, he said, "Good, because I love you, Claire Atwater. I'm going to spend every day telling you and showing you, so get used to it."

Claire felt like her chest might implode with unexpressed emotions. Her eyes prickled and she kissed him to avoid saying something she would regret. She wasn't quite ready to take that step yet. She could accept his heart, but could she give him hers? Hadn't she already?


Breakfast, Claire thought. Something appropriate for breakfast. With Pierce's parents! She stood in her walk-in closet and tossed aside outfit after outfit. She was still wrapped in a towel after her shower. Their shower. She amended her thought, blushing as she thought back to just a few moments prior. Pierce came into the closet and approached her from behind, wrapping his arms around her. He was already dressed in jeans and a forest green V-neck sweater, which brought out his eyes. She turned in his arms and glared at him. "How are you already dressed?"

"I don't have a walk-in closet to choose from." He kidded.

She eyed his attire. She knew she didn't have to get dressy, but she still wanted to make a nice first impression. Finally, she settled on a long-sleeved dress with all the colors of the fall leaves. "What do you think?" She held it up in front of her for his appraisal.

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