Chapter 32

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*** In the spirit of Thanksgiving I thought I would give a bonus chapter this week. ***

 "I cannot believe she had the nerve to sit in your face and say that utter bullshit. So she turned to your husband instead of us because she was addicted to pills? Bullshit!" Caitlyn spat as they exited the mall.

"I told her to burn in hell."

"She deserves more than that before she gets there." Cait grouched. Courtney threw an arm over Cait's shoulder. "How are you holding up, kiddo? Do you need a moment?"

Claire thought about it. She hadn't flipped out at the sight of Vicky like she had at the site. She'd remained composed and collected. She'd been reasonable and sat and listened to her, even though sitting next to her made her skin crawl. She was actually okay. Angry as all hell now, but okay. "I'm pissed, but I'm alright. She really thought having that talk with her son with her was okay."

"Stupid is as stupid does." Courtney commented. "At least now he knows what kind of mother he has."

"He probably thinks I'm the crazy lady who keeps hurting his family. He doesn't know any better. All he sees is me attacking them and making them cry or hurt. He's too young."

"He'll find out the truth of his conception one day and when he does he'll hate them too."

Claire almost felt bad at the thought. She didn't want to wish that on any parent. For their child to grow up to hate them. "Let's just drop it. I just want to put them both behind me, besides I'm hungry and mall food isn't going to cut it." Claire just wanted to put it behind her. She had said her peace.

"We could stop by the grocery store then head back to my place and I could make one of your favorites." Marcy chimed with a sweet smile to entice Claire. "I just have to stop and pick up Maya from daycare."

Claire's mouth practically watered at the thought of a plate of caramel glazed salmon with asparagus and jasmine rice. "Can it be caramel glazed salmon?" She asked.

"You've got it."

"I love you." Claire told her.

Marcy rewarded her with another brilliant smile. "Tell you what. To make this quicker, why don't you guys go get the groceries and I'll pick up Maya. We can meet back at my place and I'll cook." She began reaching into her purse for her wallet.

Claire pushed her hand away. "Don't worry about the groceries. We've got it."

"Are you sure?" Marcy asked in concern.

"Didn't you hear? Claire's loaded and so is her fiance. Groceries are nothing." Courtney teased as Claire rolled her eyes. The women went their separate ways and agreed to meet up in a bit at Marcy's for lunch.


It had started to rain and it was bitter cold outside. Claire was huddled in front of the fireplace with a book and a cup of hot chocolate as Pierce worked from home that afternoon. She sat comfortably reading her book, a favorite reread by Christopher Pike, Remember Me. As she turned a page, the doorbell chimed.

She was in the middle of getting up when Pierce appeared, heading to answer the door. "Don't worry baby. I've got it." He told her as he passed. He opened the door upon seeing who it was and let them in. Curious, Claire peered around the corner from her seat and watched as a woman stepped through the door and closed her umbrella.

"It's freezing out there." The woman proclaimed as Pierce closed the door behind her and took her umbrella from her, placing it in the umbrella stand. He then turned to take her coat.

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