Chapter 18 Sneak Peek *Teaser*

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 Pierce could hear Lena trying to get his attention on the line. "So is that a yes?"

"What?" Claire snapped out of her thoughts.

"To dinner with Lena." He waggled the phone at her.

Claire chewed her lip, contemplating. She knew she'd hurt him and break whatever little spell or bubble they'd been in since Italy if she refused. She didn't want to do either. Aww, hell. He'd already met her entire family! What's the worse that could happen? She thought, immediately followed by, Every dumb persons wise last words. "Sure."

Pierce stared at her for a moment before giving her a slow, sexy smile. He leaned over and kissed her, enjoying the petal softness of her lips against his. "Thank you." He knew how big of a step she was taking. She didn't respond as he unmuted the phone and returned to his call. "Hey, sorry about that. Yeah, we're free tonight. What'd you have in mind."

As the call wrapped up, Claire draped her nude body across his back and kissed the side of his neck. "Now you owe me."

Full Chapter coming 10/14!!!

***Thank you reading! You have no idea how much it inspires me to write more! Please don't be afraid to leave feedback. What did you like or didn't you like about the last chapter? What are your hopes for Claire and Pierce? What do you want more of? ***

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