Chapter 34 Sneak Peek *Teaser*

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Just as she started toward the back with the nurse Pierce rushed into the waiting room looking harried. "I'm here. I made it."

Claire gave him an irritated look and continued to follow the woman into the room she had indicated. Pierce huffed and followed them. The nurse told them that the doctor would be right in and left them alone.

"I know you're upset." Pierce began.

"Why would I be upset? You made it." Claire told him evenly.

"Baby, don't be like that." He tried to pull her to him, but she stepped away. All she could think about was Latoya's curvaceous form and full, pouty lips. "I was with a client. I couldn't just walk out."

"Couldn't you? You own the company." Claire said bitterly as she quickly changed into her gown.

"It was a very important client."

"I'll just bet it was."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

***Uh-oh! More trouble in paradise? Stay tuned! Comment below. Click on the star to vote. ;) ***

Full chapter coming 12/1 *Omg, It's about to be December already!*

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