Chapter 24

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*** Surprise: Bonus Chapter ***

Claire tried not to wring her hands, fidget, pace or show any other signs of nervousness as she watched the people trickle into the gallery. She was surprised by the growing number of heads appearing, despite the RSVP's. Pierce, of course towered over them all; unknowingly giving her strength and a sense of calm. She pasted on a smile when Lorraine, the gallery owner, came over to introduce a few people.

"My name is Jasper Jax, and yes, my mother was an avid GH fan, and I am named after a fictional character. But at least I have the looks to match." Jasper introduced himself with a friendly smile. "I'm with ARTrepreneurs Global Magazine."

Claire wasn't sure what to make of Jasper, but at least he had a sense of humor. And Ingo Rademacher was handsome. "Pleased to meet you." She shook his hand and went about meeting the rest of the small group.

"I have to say," Jasper spoke up again. "My favorite piece so far is Matrix! The story index with the brief explanations behind the art are fabulous. I can't imagine your pain waking up and finding out that you weren't going to be a mother anymore. Ugh!"

Claire blanched, but tried to keep a smile on her face. She had known she would be in for this. She had expected it, prepared for it. There was nothing like actually living it. It felt like she was falling down those stairs and waking up in that hospital all over again. Pierce was suddenly just there, slipping his hand into hers.

She smiled at him and turned to introduce him to the group, grateful for his presence. She found herself opening up a bit and the tightness releasing from her shoulders as she engaged more in the conversation. Eventually the two broke off from the group and he pulled her toward a piece he had been wanting to pick her mind about.

Claire blushed as they stopped in front of her work. It was a charcoal drawing of the two of them in an intimate act. Most of it was swirls and tendrils of smoke and clouds, but here and there were clear forms and traces of his hands on her hips as he thrust up from below, wisps of her breasts and his chest, but most clearly depicted were his eyes. They were dark and fierce; filled with lust and wonder and something else.

Pierce looked at her. "This is what you've been working on?"

Claire's heartbeat faster in her chest. He didn't like it. "I'm sorry. It's too much isn't it? I'll have it taken down."

She turned to call for Artimes, but Pierce caught her arm, turning her back to him. "No, I love it. It's amazing. I don't think I want anyone else having it, it's so amazing."

"You really think so?" Claire smiled as something blossomed inside of her.

"Yes, and I can't wait to get you somewhere so we can reenact it. I can't believe you see me like this. And the others. You're sneaky. When did you have time to pull this off?" He asked as he pulled her to him.

"While you were gone. I couldn't get you off of my mind." She confessed. "I had to do something with all the extra energy I had, and I wanted to do something special for you."

"Special isn't the right word." Pierce told her as he looked down at her. He knew then if not before that she was in love with him. He would give her time to come to terms with it. He was happy to wait.

Claire blushed again at the implication of his words and spoke to distract him. "What about Pierced?" She asked, dragging him toward the painting she finished just this morning.

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