Bonus Chapter 3: Evil Marinette by like

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Marinette, bold and confident, went up to Adrien Agreste on the playground. She tapped him on the shoulder lightly to get his attention. Adrien turned around and noticed Marinette was wearing a different outfit today and a more mature eyeliner that made her bluebell eyes pop. His heart throbbed the moment he saw her in a low-cut, emerald green dress with black frills at the bottom. Unfortunately, he lost his speech skills when he tried to say hello. 

Marinette's voice deepened to a low rasp as she slipped out a chuckle through her pink, plump lips. She held consistent eye contact with him as she pranced her petite fingers along his arm. The sensation tickled his muscular arm on the railing of the stairwell. Finally, she whispered, "Cat got your tongue, Mr. Agreste?"

Every student and faculty member at school had their full attention on the two. The exception was Chloe and Sabrina, who were tied up in a closet. Alya and Nino were secretly recording. 

Adrien's face was flushed. He gulped. "Oh, no. I--sorry. I was just surprised to see you like this, Marinette." His angelic voice was quivering as he tried to pull away from her gaze. 

Marinette could feel his goosebumps and rubbed them gently as she slowly worked her way up to his shoulder. "How about I take you somewhere warmer? You seem cold." She winked at him. 

The innocent hormonal boy anxiously looked away from Marinette and looked at Nino, who conveniently hid his phone. Nino flashed him a thumbs up and a quick nod. Adrien returned his attention to Marinette and smiled sweetly like normal, "Sure. Let's find a quiet place away from the wind."

As Marinette grabbed him by the hand and led him to the classroom, Adrien kept thinking, What's gotten into Marinette? Meanwhile, the faculty whispered amongst themselves, "We will stop them in 7 minutes."

Marinette closed the door behind them. The window was opened, then she ran over and sealed it shut. She was facing away from him as she stared down at the front of the school. Without turning around, she said, "This is the classroom where we first met. I thought you put gum on my seat and I was really mad." She stared down at the steps below leading to the large sidewalk. "And out there you explained yourself properly and honestly and gave me your umbrella as a sign of kindness." Marinette untied her pigtails and her hair dropped down to her shoulders and back. 

In one big twirl, her hair fanned out and she beamed a gorgeous smile at Adrien as she said, "That was the day I fell for you." 

Adrien stared at the girl he thought was his friend. But turned out to be more than that. The sunlight shined behind her making her hair gleam and shimmer as it fell back down to her sides. He could hear his heartbeat echoing and thundering inside him. His heart rate increased as he tried to respond to her but all that came out with empty mouth movements. 

Marinette giggled and stepped forward slowly. "I can tell this is a lot to take in. I'm sure you weren't expecting a confession from your friend." As she walked, her cleavage shimmied as if they were calling out for his attention. Adrien blushed and used all his power to only stare at Marinette's eyes. She continued, "So... How about I make it more simple for you." The confident teenager touched his broad chest with her warm palms and leaned in slightly. Their lips were inches apart. "Adrien Agreste, I like you. Will yo--"

"Marinette, stop!" Adrien shouted and backed away. He stood in a defensive stance. "Is this really you or are you really being controlled by Hawkmoth?!"

There was dead silence for about 7 seconds. Marinette smirked. "Do you really think an adult supervillain wants to use his evil powers for me to ask you out on a date?" 

There were another 7 seconds of silence.

Embarrassed, Adrien lowered his arms. "So... you really are serious?" 

Quickly, Marinette walked up to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. Adrien froze as he felt her hot lips against his peach fuzz skin. She relaxed her calves and dropped down onto her heels once again. She blushed as well and whispered, "I hope that helps prove I am serious... I like you, Adrien. I want you to be my boyfriend but we can start off hanging out first with no labels if you pre--"

It was Adrien's turn to be more confident. 

The French boy kissed her on the lips gently as he held her shoulders. His lips were thin but they packed a punch, just enough for Marinette to moan softly into his mouth. He opened his eyes as he pulled away and said, "I am all for labels as long as it is with you, Marinette." 

Marinette was red as a tomato as she stared at his lips. Luckily Adrien was holding her because Marinette tried to faint. She touched his chest and threw herself at him as she panted. She hid her face from him and whispered, "How...How dare you? You did it again. You made me weak for you."

Adrien chuckled and hugged her closer. "Marinette, you can be weak with me because I promise to be strong for you." He rubbed her back. "I need to confess something too. I recently knew I liked you when I realized you were the perfect person for me. You make me laugh, you help me see the beauty in the simplest of things, and you always put all your effort into everything you do. I admire you for that. I want to always be by your side, Marinette."

Marinette gasped when he finished. She looked up into his eyes and the tears filled up in her bluebell eyes. "Are you serious? This better not be a prank!"

"I am serious, M'lady." Then he kissed her again with more energy behind his lip motions. He picked her up and dropped her on the closest desk. He got between her legs and lifted her chin up to make her lock her eyes on him. He smirked, "Should I show you how serious I am?" 


Ten years later, Marinette reached over Adrien's bare chest to turn off his alarm on his phone. She groaned when she slammed her index finger on the greasy screen. She flopped right there on his chest and tried to go back to sleep. Adrien slowly opened his eyes and looked down at his wife on his chest. He rubbed her back and chuckled. "Mrs. Agreste, time to wake up and get the kids ready for school."

Marinette whined and shoved her face into ribs. "I want to go back inside my dreeeeam! It was getting to the good part!"

Adrien knew exactly which dream she was talking about. "We had the same dream again."

Marinette immediately pushed herself up and gasped. Her eyes were sparkling at her dear husband with a five o clock shadow. "Really~? We did it again!" She hovered closer to his face and whispered with a gentle rasp. "What was I wearing this time, Tiger?"

Adrien snuck his hands all over her body. He sighed, "Oh the usual Chat Noir-themed dress designed by my favorite fashion designer of all time. How did dream me kiss?"

"Let me demonstrate." 

Then the kids walked in as they announced they are taking the hamsters to school. 

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