Marichat: Shine Bright for me

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One night, Marinette was sitting outside her balcony drawing a few sketches. She was surrounded by multiple colored lamp lights she plugged in and she was inspired by her colors. She drew about 10 different designs of dresses within a span of 45 minutes. She stared at this one sketch of a light green dress with white diagonal stripes running down the skirt. She was inspired by this one emerald light she had that kept flickering in and out. She put down her sketchbook and then finally fixed it. "There we go."

"Hmm, looks good, but needs more black," a sudden voice behind her said in the darkness.

Marinette screamed and spasmed. From reflex, she grabbed a lamp and threw it in the general direction of the voice. She heard a bundle of papers falling and a body yelping like a girl then groaning. The body of the voice came into the light and it was Chat Noir!

"Chat Noir!" exclaimed Marinette.

Settling himself in the lounge chair, he rubbed his forehead. "I'm gonna feel that in the morning."

"I'm sorry Chat," started Marinette. "B-But why are you...?" Marinette looked next to Chat Noir's thighs and it was her sketch book. She gasped and picked it up immediately. "Were you going over my personal sketches?!" She held them close to her chest with a little pout.

Chat Noir chuckled at the sight of Marinette's cute face. "No, no. I just saw what was on the page you left it at. And from the looks of it, it was really good."

Marinette sighed, "You're just saying that so I don't hit you."

"Well you already did that so I have nothing else to worry about and save my own tail," stated Chat Noir.

Marinette had light pink cheeks and looked down at her drawing. "Thanks, Chat. That means a lot." Her smile was genuine and just as bright as the lights in front of her, if not more.

Chat Noir couldn't help but smile back and just stare at her. There it is. That goofy smile. "I'm just stating the obvious."

Marinette sat next to Chat Noir and asked with a mocking tone, "So why is the fantastic Chat Noir gracing me with his presence tonight?" She could always relax and be goof around Chat Noir. He was soooooo unintimidating.

Chat Noir sat up and puffed up his chest. "Well if you must know, I was out patrolling the night making sure all my damsels were safe and sound. Speaking of which, are you in any danger?"

"I might be in danger from vomiting and losing my dinner after hearing that sickly sweet rehearsed excuse." She laughed while Chat Noir slouched and pretended to feel hurt.

"Oh, it looks like someone has wounded my pride."

"Let me get you a plaster (band-aid) for that wound then." They both laughed and continued making jokes like that with each other. This reminded Chat Noir of the real reason why he came.

The black kitty asked, "Oh, yeah! Have you seen LadyBug tonight? I thought she would be out tonight but I guess she hasn't been out since there's no one being akumatized."

Marinette remembered Tiki telling her that she should be out tonight, but she just had a spontaneous creative waterfall that afternoon. She had to spill it all out of her head and onto paper before they went away. Guess she lost track of time. Thankfully nothing happened while she was sketching. "I guess Ladybug didn't feel that Paris needed saving tonight. Guess she was right?"

The Black Cat nodded and sighed. "You're right. Ladybug has good instincts like that. I was just hoping to see her tonight." His voice was lower and softer when he said the last sentence.

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