Ladrien: Nurse Adrien

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Everything went black. One knock to the head was all it took to take out ladybug. She didn't even get a chance to see the culprit. The last thing she saw was someone reaching out for her.


Ladybug woke up in a warm fluffy and comfortable bed. After a while, she felt an ice pack on the side of her head. She grabbed the ice pack and pulled it away for a moment. She groaned and felt the stinging pain. "Ooooww."

She heard a gasp and a voice by her side. "Ladybug?"

Ladybug turned her head to see.... "Adrien!?"

Adrien was sitting at the edge of his chair and stood up. He hovered over her and placed his hand over her hand. He pressed the ice pack back on her spot and held it there. "Keep the ice pack on. You took a big hit."

Ladybug contained her screams and simply blushed, feeling his warm hand contrasting the coldness from the ice pack. Adrien noticed where his hand was and blushed. Adrien shyly said, "Sorry." He sat back down taking his hand away.

"It's fine...," Ladybug avoided eye contact but then remembered everything that happened. She touched her face and felt her mask. She sighed in relief and said, "Thank, God. I still have my mask on. I was afraid I would transform in front of everyone."

Adrien shook his head and poured her a cup of water and left it by her bedside. "You didn't transform back but I took you to my school's nurse's office in case you did. Unfortunately, the nurse was out so I had to take care of you the best as I could."

Ladybug blushed as red as her suit. Oh, my God. Adrien took care of me!? And we were alone. God, DON'T wake me up from this if this this a dream! She stopped melting her brain with her imagination when she noticed Adrien looking sad. She cleared her throat and sat up slowly. "Thank you for helping me. It was very noble of you."

Adrien looked at her and smiled. "I'm happy you're okay."

Ladybug held the ice pack to her head. "How long was I out?"

"A few hours," he answered. "Take some water."

Ladybug blushed and moved her bangs back to the side. "Thanks, Adrien." She put down the ice pack and took the water from him.

"You're welcome...," said Adrien, looking away from her cute face and scratching the back of his head.

Ladybug and Adrien sat in silence not knowing what to say in front of their true love. Ladybug finally broke the ice, "Where is everyone?"

"Hiding from the villain. I saw he gave you a nasty beat down." Adrien clenched his fists. "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for you in time."

"It's all right it is not your fault."

"But it is... I didn't ...." Transform in time.

Ladybug put a hand on Adrien's hand. Adrien looked into her bluebell eyes. Ladybug said, "I'm fine. I'm safe thanks to you. In your own way, you are my hero."

Adrien almost ascended to heaven. Ladybug omg, you made my heart sing. Adrien bit the inside of his cheek. "You're too kind."

Thinking about how they love being around the other, Ladybug and Adrien looked away from each other and smiled like idiots.

But Ladybug knew this has to end, she has a whole city to save. Ladybug drank her water and put the cup down. She had full energy again and stood up quickly. She was fine as a fiddle. "I better get out there. Chat Noir is probably out there and I can't let him get all the fun."

Adrien felt slightly guilty at that statement. He stood up and looked down at Ladybug. "You sure you're ready?"

"Ready or not, I have to save Paris. It's what I've been called to do."

Adrien smiled. "Then I'll be rooting for you." He touched her shoulder. "Good luck, Ladybug."

Ladybug blushed again and smiled back. "Thank you," she touched his hand, "again."

Then just like that, she left and jumped out the window.

Adrien stared out the window and whispered, "I'll meet you there, M'lady... Plagg, claws out!"

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