Marichat: "Please don't leave me"

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"I'm sorry. I found someone else I like. Can we go back to being friends?"

Those were the last words Luka, Marinette's recent ex-boyfriend, sent via text. Marinette cried all over her smartphone, letting her tears blur her vision at the bright screen. She thought she found love. But it was now clear that it wasn't. She sobbed into her pillow, hair perfectly down, a newly made outfit and heels. Marinette cried out loud, "It's been 5 months... 5 months together." She sniffed up a loose booger. "Wasted."

Alya was in Aspen with Nino for their 1st anniversary so she couldn't call her. Her parents were asleep and had to wake up early in the morning to open up the shop. She didn't want to be alone. Who could she call?


In his room, Adrien was studying some of his Chinese to help him fall asleep. He was reading the Chinese novel Bu Bu Jing Xin. It is about a modern woman time traveling to the past and falling in love with two of the princes. Suddenly his black cased phone, the Chat Noir phone, was ringing on his table. He flinched and, in an instant, all his pain came back to him. He knew exactly who could be calling him from his superhero phone. He remembered the time he, as Chat Noir, gave Marinette his phone number in case she ever needed him. This was before Marinette started dating Luka. Never once has she called him, until now. He missed her, he sees her at school all the time but all the free time she had was used on Luka. He didn't hate him, he just wished he wasn't so dreamy and took her away on his stupid moped every day after school.

He sighed and picked up the call and used his superhero voice, "Marinette! Long-time, no hear. What can Chat Noir do for you?"

Marinette couldn't hold back her sadness and burst out a painful wail as quietly as she could so no one else could hear her. "Cat...!"

Adrien got up and asked, "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Marinette took a hiccup between breaths and eventually, she said as clear as she could with her stutter, "N-no. I'm safe. *hiccup* Luka broke up with me-he-hee."

Adrien paused. Luka is out of her life?  Adrien couldn't be happier but hearing her cry over this, made him angry and sad for her. He clenched his jaw and said as charming as possible, "I... I see. Did you need me to beat him up for you?"

Marinette cracked a smile and sniffed. "That's not what a superhero would say. But thanks."

"Don't worry. I'll make it look like an accident the next time a villain rolls on by and blame it on him." He was half-joking.

"Oh, Cat...," Marinette cried again.  She forced out her words through her hiccups and stutters. "I'm sorry to call you because of this. My friends are out of the country and I don't wanna bother my parents about this. They have to work tomorrow for several big orders. I just really needed someone to t-t-talk to."

Adrien frowned and empathized with that same feeling. Loneliness. He didn't have anyone to talk to except Plagg when Marinette faded from his life. He mustered out as much bravado as he could, "I told you to call me on this number whenever you were in need. No need is too little or too big for Chat Noir. Where are you?"

Marinette smiled and stuttered, "H-h-home."

"I'm on my way." Adrien hung up the phone and screamed, "PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!"


Makeup running down her wet face, Marinette heard a knock on her balcony door. She wiped away what she could and opened the ceiling door. She found Chat Noir holding a hot box of pizza and a bag full of ice cream, tissues, a bottle of sparkling cider and dumb comedy DVDs. "Chat Noir? W-wh-wh-what's all this?"

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