Adriennette/Marichat: Be my ladybug (part 2)

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"What do you mean I can't do this alone?!" asked Chat Noir.

"You don't have the power," answered Master Fu as he reached inside a metal box.

"My cataclysm will take him out or I can put him in jail."

"That's not enough Adrien... Listen there is something I must tell you. Someone else holds the Butterfly Miraculous and is using it for evil. Even if you contain his minion, his Akuma will travel to the next person and multiple negative energy."

"Akuma?" asked Chat Noir.

Master Fu explained everything he knew about the powers of the Butterfly and how without purifying the Akuma, there will be destruction to all. "Chat Noir does not wield the power of purification. But your opposite does." Master Fu showed Chat Noir the inside of the box. A yin and yang symbol beamed from inside. "For there to be destruction, there must be creation. If it can be created, then it can be destroyed. The Black Cat of Destruction...," He revealed the ladybug earrings in his other hand, "and The Ladybug of Creation."

Chat Noir stared at the earrings for a while and scratched the back of his head. "So, I have to wear earrings too?" asked Chat Noir reaching for the earrings.

Master Fu pulled away. "No! The two miraculous must never be worn by the same person. It will cause great chaos."

"But who will wear the ladybug miraculous?"

Master Fu put the earrings in a small box and handed it to Chat Noir. "The earrings will choose. Just like how Plagg and the Ring chose you."

Suddenly, Marinette called Adrien's cell phone. Chat Noir ran over to pick it up. "Marinette, what's wrong?"

Marinette was on the floor with a pillow in her lap. Her voice was shaky but she managed to say, "Hey, is your uncle okay?"

"Yeah, he's here. He's fine."

Marinette sighed. "I'm glad...."

Chat Noir knew something was wrong. "Where are your parents?"

Marinette bawled her eyes and her voice was trembling trying to make her words coherent. "My parents were taken. I was completely powerless. I don't know what to do now!"

Chat Noir froze and said calmly, "Don't worry. Everything will be okay. Chat Noir will save the day!"

Marinette was on the brink of tears. "Really?... Do you think Chat Noir can do it?"

Chat Noir paused but said confidently, "Believe in him. He needs your support. Marinette, I'll see you and your parents soon. Stay strong."

Marinette hugged her pillow. "Thank you, Adrien. I can always count on you to make me feel better."

Chat Noir wished her goodbye and hung up.

Master Fu stepped forward and tapped on Chat Noir's shoulder with his cane. "Adrien, I have a feeling you know where to start with finding the next ladybug. If it is Marinette, you must not reveal your true self to her. Keep your identity a secret."

Chat Noir wanted to fight back. He wanted to say how Marinette is trustworthy, kind, understanding-- PERFECT! She deserves to know. But he knew, he had to keep her safe. This was the only way. "Yes, Master."


Marinette was looking at the news and apparently her friend, Alya, took over the news channel to give the scoop of what was going on. The Bubbler took over 2,000 adults up to the sky in large bubbles and he won't let them go until Chat Noir gives up his miraculous.

"Miraculous?" asked Marinette to herself. "Is it that ring he has?"

Knock Knock!

Marinette jumped and yelped. She ran downstairs to the bakery floor and saw a silhouette in the glass door. "Who's there?!"

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