Sniper Wars: Overwatch AU

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Author's Notes: if you don't know Overwatch, I recommend you try it out. If you do, I'm a Mercy Main and a Genji Main because of Gency. Also, this is a universe where Adrien and Marinette are not superheroes. But they call themselves chat noir and ladybug in the game.

During Winter Break, Adrien dropped off Marinette at her house and wouldn't let go of her hand. "Did you have fun today, M'lady?"

Marinette giggled and squeezed his hand back. "Yes, I did. I'm so happy we went to see the Hamilton play before they move to the next city. Thank you for the tickets. I'll pay you back."

Adrien shook his head. "You being there with me and going out to drink hot cocoa is payment enough. I love spending time with you. I hate that school is in the way of our free time."

Marinette stepped closer and her face was 2 centimeters away. She smiled and said, "Let's make the most of it then." Then she went on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

Adrien blushed and before he can give her a kiss back, her father opened the door of the bakery and glared at Adrien. "You gonna let my daughter freeze out here boy?"

"N-no, sir." Adrien felt his sweat beads turn into ice on his neck.

Marinette touched her father's shoulder. "Dad, play nice." Marinette waved back at Adrien and said, "Thank you again, Adrien. Goodnight."

Marinette's smile made Adrien relax. He wished the family goodnight and went home. If the price of dating her was a death glare and possible brown pants, that was worth it.


"DIE, LADYBUG!" screamed Adrien.

"EAT MY BULLET, BLACK CAT!" screamed Marinette.

Earlier this year, last May of 2016, a new game called Overwatch debuted and Marinette and Adrien had to buy it for their PCs. Before they started dating, they spent their free time only on Overwatch. Marinette put her username as "Ladybug" and Adrien named himself "Chat Noir". One day, Chat Noir was going against a player named Ladybug in competitive mode. Ladybug constantly sniped him as Widowmaker no matter if he was offense, support, or tank. Adrien was so annoyed by her, he commented on the match chat: "STOP CHEATING, YOU STUPID BUG!"

Marinette replied back, "I'm sorry. Who are you? Were you 75% of my 30 eliminations or all of them?"

Thus began their salty rivalry. Neither of them knew each other's true identity and Adrien nor Marinette liked to talk about their Overwatch life in real life.

After Adrien dropped off Marinette, he went home and logged in to, and played Overwatch. As he was in training mode with Hanzo, a bow and arrow Japanese man, he got a notification that Ladybug was on. Adrien changed his sweet and down to Earth persona to his salty and (PG rating) vicious "Chat Noir" persona. He made his last headshots on the robots 5 times in a row. "It is time."

Chat Noir messaged Ladybug: "I been waiting for you. Let's play. 1 v 1."

Marinette got the message and replied back as Ladybug: "I'm in a good mood so I'll take you up on your offer."

The two put on their headsets and talked via voice chat.

Chat Noir set up the match. Chat Noir spoke in the mic with a menacing voice, "Headshots only. First to 30 wins. Abilities allowed. Château Guillard."

Ladybug laughed. "Your Scatter Arrow doesn't scare me, Chat. I accept these rules."

Chat Noir snickered and pressed "Start Match".

Chat Noir picked Hanzo and Ladybug picked Widowmaker, a French sniper.

Ladybug asked, "Ready to lose?"

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