Nice To Meet You

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Right now I'm at the bar of X-Hotel. Drinking beyond my limits because I was cheated on. Although I saw that coming it still hurts. I knew he never saw me as his girlfriend and only accepted my proposal because he didn't wanna hurt me back then. Bur still.....

A tear rolled down my cheek

But atleast he could've told me. With that I finished my glass in one gulp and buried my face in the table and started crying I couldn't hold it in anymore.

[A Few Hours Ago]

I took a day off before my one-week leave because it was Ankit's birthday the next day and I wanted to surprise him. I bought a cake and I opened the door of his apartment (I always keep the extra keys with me). As soon as I got in I heard moaning. I was confused so I went towards the bedroom, the door was open and I saw by boyfriend lying on the bed with a woman and his dick is inside of her. I was too shocked to say anything the door made a creak sound and that's what made them notice me. Not knowing what to do I rushed out of the door and headed straight towards the bar.

Well that's how I ended up here.

After a few minutes someone patted my back. I looked up and saw a red haired stranger. He said, "Don't be sad forget everything and move forward. Here let me buy you a drink"

Yeah I should move forward. "Sure" -I said. He ordered two tequila shots. He got the look of an innocent man but I'm sure he has some intentions, I asked,
"What's your intention young man?"

"Am I that see through?"

"Seriously? Don't mess with me"

"Alright alright I'll tell you! I'm just trying to help a friend here"

"If your friend wants company why don't you give him some yourself?"

"Eh?!!!! I'm not gay nor is he!" he blushed. God he's so cute.

"You'll never know" I smirked.

"Okay! jokes apart! He's under a lot of pressure right now because he just fired his secretary and I thought that he could use some company to release some stress. And I thought you are in search of a guy too so it would be beneficial for both of you"

"I look like I need sex?!" I was confused so I asked.

"You don't? I thought you do I'm so sorry for the misunderstandings. Then I guess I'll find someone else" he sounded sad. "Oh and don't cry everything will be alright. Just smile it suits you more" he said that with a big smile on his face like he was teaching me how to smile. I smiled back. He's so cute.

That smile of mine suddenly disappeared because of a thought that suddenly crossed my mind.

"Hey wait" I grabbed his shirt while he was going to leave.

"Is your friend good at conversations?"

"You can find that one out yourself" he smiled again.

"Well take me to him" I told him knowing the consequences.

He took me to the fourth floor. We stopped infront of room 402. He knocked on the door. No response. He knocked again.

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