First Experience

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This is my first day at office I've to wear this skirt and disgusting high heel.

This is my first day at office I've to wear this skirt and disgusting high heel

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Right now I'm at a shop instead of the office because-

[One Hour Ago]

"Good morning sir" I greeted Mr. Hiwatari

"Morning! Here's your first task. There's a shop at the X-street that haven't gain any profit within the last two years. You have 1 month to increase the profit. If you successfully increase the profit by 2% by the end of this month then you can add any one condition in the contract."

"Ok sir will I go there now?"

"Yes but come back to office by 7pm because there are some files that you need to arrange"

"Ok sir"

So that's how I ended up in this shop!

I went through the accounts book and discovered that the last purchase was on the previous month. But the shop is on a favorable location.

An old man run the shop. After talking with him, I discovered that he doesn't add all the purchase in the accounts book. So he kinda steal money from the shop. That's why it didn't show any profit from the last few years. Now it all make sense. Can't blame him though, he's really helpless.

He's got a useless son. He's a gambler and is on a lot of debt, doesn't help his old father in maintaining the shop.

The shop isn't attractive at all and not arranged properly. I started arranging the things properly.

There's a high school across the street so I arranged the things that attract the teenagers.

When I'm almost done arranging 50% of the materials, the son got in the shop. Opening the door he went towards the cashier counter where his old man was.

"Give me 500 dollars right now" he said

"I don't have have that much money son"

"I'm not asking you. GIVE ME THE BLOODY MONEY"

"Why don't you work here? Then maybe you can earn 10 dollars per month" I stepped in and asked the old man to leave me alone with his son for a while and he left

"Who the fuck are you? Mind your own business"

"I'm your fucking boss and you're not getting a single cent without working"

He became mad and tried to lay an attack on me. I easily blocked that and grabbed him by his neck.

"You're working here from today onwards is that clear?"
He stayed silent for a second. But when I tightened my grip on his neck a little, he nodded. I released the grip and said, "You're father needs you! I know that he haven't informed you about his health because he didn't wanted you to worry"

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