New Mission

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[After Two Hours]

"Jai Hind! Welcome back Major Shaw" Leftenant Malik saluted me.

"Jai Hind! At ease soldier, is General at his office?"

"Yes he's waiting for you"

"Ok thank you"

I rushed towards his office. Upon reaching, I knocked.

"Come in Major" he said from the inside. I went in.

"Jai Hind sir" and saluted him.

"Jai Hind! At ease Major" He sounded pretty off.

"So what happened?"

He sighed, "Come take a walk with me". I followed him to the training ground.

"Run 2 lapses with me and I'll tell you everything"

"Sure" seriously now what is up him? He's being too wierd!

We started running. After running 200m he said, "Voltaire managed to escape".

"What?!" I stopped running.

"It hasn't been 2lapse yet" he scolded me.

"Yeah sorry sir. But how? You need to give me the details" I started running again.

"It sounds pretty impossible doesn't it?"

Now it all makes sense!

"So you think that there's an imposter or a traitor among us?"

"Possible" he replied.

That's why he didn't informed me anything on the call and took me here where there's no camera.

"Right now I can't trust anyone except the three of you" he said.

The three of us, Me, Major Vaskar Sharma and Lieutenant Mahesh Nag. General Aryan Keshar's top soldiers, his most trusted officials and my other two friends for life. We carried several missions together. We started training at NDA together as well. We've know each other since we were 17. Mahesh got in the army one year later than Vaskar and I did.

General always make us work together because together we make a pretty good team. Mahesh is good at making plans of attack and he's a hacker as well. So he's like JARVIS. Vaskar's basically Hawkeye that is his aims are perfect. He can shoot from any range. And he's a good observer so am I. And I'm good at close combats. I'm more of a knife person but can manage guns as well. So I'm like Deadpool I guess or Black Widow maybe. Whatever! Oh and I've a talent, I can basically copy anyone's voice despite of the gender. They're not absolutely perfect but convincing.

We three mostly carry out secret missions. We usually don't fight in the on spot. We do rescue missions or capture the culprits undercover. We keep a low profile.

"Then I'll have a meeting with them General" I said

"Yes sure they're in the base"

"Before that give me some information about him. Does he have family members? They could've help him to escape"

"Yes but I don't think his family helped him to escape. He has a grandson whom he treated like a weapon and pawn for his own interest. And people say that he hate Voltaire. Moreover if he really wanted him out he could've just bailed him out. But then again you'll never know right?!"


"I have the details in my office. Help yourself. I'll come to the office once I inform those two"


I was going through the files in the General's office and he entered along with Mahesh and Vaskar. They greeted me.

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