Love You Goodbye

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[In The Hospital]

Me, Tala and Vaskar was waiting for the doctor to come out of the operation ward.

After a while he came out and said, "He's alright now but he absolutely can't move his hand now"

"Can we go see him Doc?" I asked

"Yes you can but don't take too long he needs to rest"


Tala and I went inside.

"Feeling good?" Tala asked

"Yeah I guess" Kai replied weakly.

"That was pretty reckless and stupid of you" I said. He tried to sit up.

"No lay down. You're still weak" I warned and

"Yeah you've lost a lot of blood" Tala said.

"Hey asshole go home and take rest! It was a long day" Kai scolded Tala

"Yeah yeah I'll leave you two lovebirds alone, enjoy dick head!" Tala replied and they both laughed a little and then Tala left.

"You were worried?" Kai turned to me, looked me in the eye and asked

"Of course idiot!"


"Because.......because.... I love you".

"I love you too and that's why I jumped, I couldn't possibly see you die. Could I?!"

"Thank You" I started to cry again.

"Silly girl! Don't sob so much" he brushed my hair and kissed my forehead.

"But it's my fault that you're in this condition! I couldn't protect you"

"Is that so?" He asked. I raised my head he again said,"Well according to you, you couldn't protect me so how about taking care of me now as compensation?"

"But I gotta go back to India" he raised his eyebrows to me. And I rolled my eyes and said,"Alright I'll talk to the General" he gave me a warm smile and I left.

[In The Apartment]

I opened the door and found Vaskar and Mahesh sitting there smoking.

"Want one(cigarette)?" Vaskar asked.

"Yes please" Vaskar handed me one, I lit it and inhaled the smoke.

"So it was a success" Mahesh said with his calm smile.

"Yeah and it's all thanks to you" I exhaled the smoke and smiled at them.

"By the way you should know something" Mahesh said in excitement.

"What?" I've never seen him so excited. He's usually very calm.

"No!" Vaskar stood up. He seemed a bit worked up.

"Spit it out!" I asked can't hold the excitement in.

"So...." Mahesh started but was stopped by Vaskar who put his hands on his mouth and screamed,"No!"

"From when are you keeping secrets from me Vaskar?" I was surprised because he had told me every single thing about including his childhood embarrassing moments.....

"No!" He screamed shyly....

"Tell me! It's a bloody command!" I used the word command because I knew that he won't be able to defy it.

"We....we're dating" Vaskar said scratching the back of his head.

"Saale Kamino(assholes)! You're telling me this now?!" I slightly kicked their legs. "Oh my god" I hugged them both and said,"I'm so happy for you". They hugged me back.


General called me.

"Yes sir?" I said

"Good Job, Major!"

"Thank you sir"

"By the way, when are you returning?"

"Yeah....about that sir, may I have my two months leave early?"

"You wanna take care of Hiwatari?"

"Yeah it was my fault that he got hurt so....."

"No that's not the only reason. Is it? You're in love. Aren't you Major?"


General again spoke,"Just a little advice, try not to get too involved. Alright?! It'll only bring you pain"

"Yes sir I'll keep that in mind. Jai Hind Sir!"

"Jai Hind and enjoy your leave" He hunged up.

I smiled and left for his mansion after saying goodbye to Mahesh, Vaskar and the whole squad. They're leaving for India tonight.

[Few Days Later]

Kai now has been discharged from the hospital. He still can't use his arm. So basically I'm feeding him, helping him to change, taking a bath and even in bandaging.

[Two Months Later]

In a blink of an eye, these two months had passed away. I had a lot of fun in this two months, we went to the amusement park, zoo, watched movies, had dinner at a fancy restaurant, had taken walks on the quiet streets of the night, also had spent some tiring but memorable nights together. Really after a long time, I enjoyed myself like this.

But tomorrow is my last day here. I'm sad, I really am but also I'm trying to enjoy every last minute I have left.

Right now, it's 3AM, he's sleeping and I'm watching him sleep. He's so peaceful like a baby.

"Quit staring and rest a little" he said out of nowhere.

"How can I? I'm busy appreciating the most beautiful face in the world right now!"

"I'm not a mirror". he said.

"No you're not but you're perfect" I kissed his nose lightly. "Prince" I said seductively.

"Call me king" he replied with his husky voice.

"Yeah Hail King Kai!" And our lips interlocked

[The Next Day]

He came to see me off at the airport.
"Take care of yourself. Alright?" I said


"And don't overburden yourself with work"

"Got it Mrs. Hiwatari"

I blushed and said,"I'm not your wife richass"

"Soon you will be" I blushed harder


"Love You Goodbye"

I might not meet him ever again and I know that he's well aware of that too but still he has hope that's what made me sad. General warned me not to be too involved but I already am. Thank You Kai for so many amazing days. I'll cherish them forever.


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