Too Much To Ask

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[Later That Day]

While going through some files, I tried to contact Mahesh and Vaskar.

"M, V come in. Over!" over my walkie talkie.

"I repeat, M V come in. Over!"

"M on the line. Over!" came the response

"What's going on? Over!"

"Trying to break in. Over!"

"V on the line commander. Over!"

"Any lead? Over!"

"Nothing helpful. Over!" Mahesh said

"Nothing on my side as well. Over!" Vaskar said

"Saale tujhe kuch mila? (What about you?) Over!" Vaskar asked

"Nahi beh, abhi (No bro, right now) I'm in Voltaire's office going through some files but nothing till now. Over!"

"At least you got a lead. Talk to you later. Jai Hind!"

"Jai Hind!"

"Jai Hind!"


Later in the evening Mahesh called me. Vaskar was there too.

They haven't got anything today as well.

"How did you ended up in Voltaire's office?" Mahesh asked.

"That's a long story. Well Hiwatari's helping"

"You told him?" Vaskar asked


"Didn't he asked anything in return? He's a businessman after all" Mahesh asked

"Well....." Just at this moment Kai entered and said,"Honey have this pills or you might get pregnant"

"Honey? Pills? Pregnant? You had sex?" Vaskar asked being confused

"I guess I have my answer" Mahesh giggled.

"Hash math bhoshdike, yaha mera faath raha hain (Don't laugh you little shit)! Chal (Bye) talk to you guys later" I hung up.

"I already had them" I said to Kai.

"Where did you get them?"

"I keep all kinds of pills with me"

"Oh I see. Were you talking to someone?" He asked.

"Colleagues. And can you not call me honey?"


"Huh" I sighed

[After 2 Months]

Even after 2 months we don't have any lead. We're still searching for Voltaire. We got a lot of information about his other secret hideouts that we were not aware of though that's a plus point.

Kai and I have been together. He's totally a different person at work and at home. In the office he's all serious and gentleman type. But at home he turns into a perverted dog

After office works I go to his mansion to investigate and he keeps on distracting me. Like yesterday....


I am on my way to investigate a store that used to be Voltaire's secret hide out. It used to be an abandoned warehouse and now it's adult toy store. It's so embarrassing.

I went in and as I was talking to the manager a handsome young man entered. And that was none other than Hiwatari.

Why is he everywhere? He came straight towards me and whispered in my ears, "Why do you need a sex toy when you have me? When all you gotta do is ask"

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