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[In India]

All of a sudden I vomited while I was training. So I went to the Doc for a check up. General was also there. After running a few tests, he said, "You're pregnant". My jaw dropped.

"What?" I screamed. General smiled and left the room.

"Doc are you sure?"


My mind was blank, I don't know what to do and what not to. How did this happened? I've taken the pills. Didn't I? It's Kai's baby for sure. Fuck! What should I do? Should this even take birth? I don't know! I don't know anything!!

Doc suggested what I should do for the next nine months. I heard those but my mind was blank. I'm not ready for this!

[Later That Day]

I was sitting on my bed and suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said. And Mahesh and Vaskar came in.

"I'm going to be an uncle?!" Vaskar said overloaded with excitement. And knelt down to hug my belly.

"I can't wait to see you kiddo!"

"Stop it! It tickles!" I laughed.

"Congratulations" Mahesh said with a warm smile.

"Yeah! Thanks"

"Wait! You're not planning on abortion. Are you?" Mahesh asked seriously.

They seemed worried."Um.." I started. Just the there was a knock on the door.


"You free?" Doc came in.

"Yes. Have a seat!"

"I wanna talk to you alone, Lieutenant Nag, Major Sharma please step outside" They followed his order and Doc dragged a chair in front of me and sat down.

"Look I've known you long enough to know what you're thinking" he said

"What do you mean?"

"I know that you're thinking that you're not ready or whether you want it or not. But don't destroy the child. We all deserve a family. We all deserve someone to whom we can go back to when all these scary missions are over. I've never had that. You've never had that. So you should know better than anyone. This is your chance. Trust me he/she will change your life. I'll be here to guide you"

"Thank you! I'll try my best to be a good mom"

"That's the spirit" he patted my head and left while saying,"I'll give you a chart tomorrow of what you should do now and what you shouldn't. Take good rest" and I nodded.

I've decided. I'll have the baby. And try my best to be a responsible mother, whom you can look upto. I'll take good care of you baby.

There was a knock on the door again. And this time it was General followed by those two(Mahesh & Vaskar).

We had a long conversation, I told them that I'm gonna cherish this baby forever and then suddenly General asked,"You're going to tell him?"

"Um... I don't know general. Mahesh you always give reasonable answers. You say what should I do?"

"Well.... This maybe a little bit selfish of me but I don't want you to tell him. First reason, I want you and your baby to stay here. Second, it'll be a complete shock to him. Third, because of his health, his company has recently lost a lot of good deals and some stocks so he's gotta work on that so he can't come here to visit if he's going to concentrate on his work. Third it'll be a complete shock to him. You can go visit him after 2 or 3 years. And lastly Russia's freezing cold, that climate's will not be appropriate for an Indian baby. So you should give him a surprise after 2or 3years maybe" Mahesh said.

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