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[Later That Night, Around 4AM]

Avana's POV,.......

I woke up, my phone showed 4.07AM in the clock. I was lying on the bed alone.

Looking around, my eyes landed on the dual haired guy and I smiled involuntarily. He was standing on the balcony, smoking just with his boxers on.

It's not like this is the first time we had sex but this time it was different. This time it's like we formed a connection, developed an unbreakable bond. Like we were all out and it felt super good. It is one of the most memorable night I've ever had. It's like the relation between us deepened.

I used the blanket to cover my bare body and walked upto him.

"Hey" I said.

"You awake?"

"Yep" I covered him with the blanket as well

"You'll catch a cold if you stay here for too long"

"Yeah" he kissed my forehead.

"Give me one (cigarette)"

"Sorry this is the last one"

"Ok I can do with some puffs" I took the cigarette from his hand and inhaled the smoke.

"You smoke?"

"Yeah sometimes we have to... to you know release stress. I try to avoid it though" I said as I extinguished the cigarette bud after a few puffs.

"Well that was news to me" Kai said.

At the last puff, I grabbed his neck and exhaled the smoke directly into his mouth and whispered in his ear, "There's a lot of things that you don't know about me, baby"

"You wanna go for another round or something?"

"No idiot! I just tried to be seductive"

"Well it's working" with that he kissed me and carried me to bed.

"No I don't have any strength left to do it again"

"I know honey I won't do anything" he gave me a warm smile and laid me on the bed and lay down himself.

He pulled me in his arms and said, "Sleep darling. You must be very tried"

"Uhhmm" I cuddled up.

[In The Morning]

I got up at 6AM as usual. Today's Sunday, so Kai isn't going to wake up until 10. So I have 4 hours to check the rooms that I haven't.

I knew where the maids, who are on a day off, keep the keys to the whole house by now. I took the garage keys and keys to some other rooms.

I checked the garage, it was filled with numerous luxurious cars. Of course he's the youngest billionaire.

But what caught my eye wasn't all the cars but 1 bike, among all the cars it shone brightly. The bike of my dreams, Harley-Davidson Softail.


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