My Light

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After a while I reached infront of the door of 2nd room. The door was open but there were two men guarding the door.

Squad-1 and I are in such a position from where we can take clear shots.

"V ready? Over!"

"Yes. Over!"

"Take the shot. Over!"

Vakar fired but suddenly someone came in the way and the bullet hit him instead of Voltaire.

"Fuck! I missed"

"It's okay. Leave it to me. You come to the 2nd room ASAP. Over!"

We shot the two guard down and went inside the room. Voltaire and his men already took cover. They're also carrying guns.

We try to shoot but none got an opening. Just then,

"Commander! Kai rushed towards the 2nd room. Should be go after him? Over!" Sergeant Bhadra said

"No guard the target. Over!"

Kai what is he upto now?!

"Kai come in! Go back to the attic. Be safe! Don't cause trouble for me. Over!"

"I won't. I promise. Over!"

Just then, from a blindspot, someone fired, before I could react, someone pushed me and the bullet hit him, because of that I got an opening and shoot at the man who fired earlier. The bullet went straight through his skull. That man was Voltaire. He's dead.

But the man who pushed me away, the one who took my bullet, the one who protected me was none other than Kai.

I took him in my arms and before I knew it, I was crying. My tears wouldn't stop.

He wiped my tears and gave me a warm smile. That only made me cry even more. He was soon covered with blood, my mind was blank I didn't know what to do. Soon his blood met my tear drops and with each second a beat of his heart was fading away.........

Meanwhile Vaskar came in and seeing Kai in that condition, he called the doctor. He came and said,"He's in a critical condition. I can take out the bullet here but it'll be rough. And he has lost a lot of blood. Commander! We need to take him to the hospital right now"

I was still blank and noticing that Vaskar carried Kai towards the car. I followed him.

All of Voltaire's men are in our custody now. So Tala along with squad-3 came down from the attic. Tala also followed us to the hospital.

In the car, Kai said weakly,"Isn't it great? Your mission's successful and your contract ends today as well" yes it's already past midnight. It's about 2AM right now.

"Don't talk! You're still weak"

"You finally will be free from me" after hearing this my throat dried up, I didn't find any words to say but my eyes became teary again.

"Tala" Kai said,"Thank you for staying by my side for all these years bastard. Find a girl and get married already" he smiled palely.

"Says the man who's been single for 30 years" he chuckled but there were tears in the corner if his eyes.

"Avana take care of this little brat for me will ya? And Tala you better take care of Mrs. Hiwatari"

"Stop saying these things. You better not die on me! Or I'll kill you myself" Tala said angrily.

"I won't be called Mrs. Hiwatari if you don't marry me you know" I said

"I love you and no one can be called Mrs. Hiwatari except you, honey" hearing that, I started crying again.

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