Story Of My Life

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The next day I woke up in the luxurious hotel room. I looked around and saw that there was a glass of water and on the bedside table with a note. The note says,
"I had a good night after a long time. Thank You honey"

Then I remembered what happened last night and couldn't help but smile. But he had left I wish I could've seen him one last time. I headed towards the washroom and took a shower. Now I've to go and face Ankit. I bet he spent the whole night crying after I rushed out like that. I got dressed and got out of the room and headed towards the reception only to find out that he had already payed for the room. And the receptionist gave me another note and she said that Mr. Tala Valkov asked her to give this to me. That red haired guy wrote-
"Thank You so much for yesterday, he's really in a good mood today after a long time. I owe you so if you ever need any help in any way in the future feel free to call me. I'll try my best to help you" and his phone number.

Now I'm on my way to Ankit's apartment.

The door was open I went in and saw that idiot sleeping on the floor. It seems like he got tired because of crying all night and fell asleep. I felt a little guilty because he was waiting for me to come home all night. Well he deserved it for not telling me.

"Hey get up you idiot" I kicked him lightly to wake him up. He woke up because of that jerk. He got up as he was rubbing his eyes when he saw me his eyes widened and hugged me tightly and started crying again.

"Hey hey it's your birthday idiot stop crying"

"I'm so sorry" were the only words that came out of his mouth.

"Ok I get it that you're sorry. But give me the reason" Hearing this he looked up.

"For cheating on you"

"No that's not the answer I wanna hear"


"Figure it out yourself"

"Look I'll just ask you one question alright? And keep this in mind I'll be asking this as you childhood bff not as your ex" I told him. "You love her?"

He was hesitant at first but said, "Yes".

"And you promise to never leave her?" I asked again.

"I promise" he answered.

"Then let's go meet her and clear all the misunderstandings"

"You sure you are okay with this?"

"Anything for you" I smiled as brightly as I could to show him my support.

"By the way" I started


"From where did you get that foreigner? Oh and what's her name?"

"Ruby..... Ruby Campbell. Remember when dad took me with him on the business trip to Russia 2 months ago?"

"Yeah uncle wanted you gain some experience"

"I met her there. I kinda liked her since then....."

"Okay okay you don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable" to be honest I was the one who's uncomfortable.

"Thank You! For understanding me so well. And I'm really sorry"

"For what?"

"For hurting you"

"That's not what I wanna hear"

"You are irritating"

"Yeah I know" we started laughing. I'm glad that things are back to normal between us. To be honest I can't live without him. I can bear him breaking up with me but he leaving me will be my worst nightmare. He's the only friend I know that sincerely care about me.

Every year at Ankit's birthday we go to the amusement park together so today we did the same but this year Ruby was with us as well. Ruby is a really pretty and caring girl. I think I can worry less about Ankit now. She's really reliable. We all have a good chat. Suddenly a call came from General. I excused myself from them and answered it.

"Yes sir?"

"There's an emergency Major. We need you back at the base at once."

"Why sir? What happened?"

"I'll tell you once you're here"

"Ok sir. I'll leave tomorrow morning"

"Ok see you"

"Yes. Jai Hind! sir"

"Jai Hind!"

I went back to them.

"Who was it?" Ankit asked


"Another mission?"

"Yeah I guess I won't be able to stay for the week"

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning"

"What?! Why? But you just got here!"

"Yeah! But it's a good thing though you two can spend some quality time together."

"I'll see you off at the airport"


The next day I drove off towards the airport. Ankit came with me as he promised. Before parting he said, "Sorry for keeping that (about him and Ruby) a secret from you"

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Never try to hide anything from me in the future because that'll hurt me the most"

"Aye aye captain" He smiled.

"Be safe on your way back home and take care of yourself and her"

"Yeah you too and call me once you get there"


I am a 27 year old woman, single.
Job- Soldier. I'm a part of the Indian army. Major Shaw. Yes my full name is Avana Shaw.

I'm an orphan! Lost my parents pretty young. They died in an car accident 22years ago when I was 5. The Bose(Ankit's) family took me in, gave me shelter, food and raised me ever since. My mom was in navy. Dad was an employee under his friend and Ankit's dad, Kailash Bose (uncle).

Ankit is just 353 days older than me. So basically we were raised as brothers and sisters. He always used to protect me, care about me. Maybe he used to take care of me that made me fall for him.

I confessed to him when I was 22. He never wanted to hurt me in any way. And I believe that it's the only reason he said yes back then.

Huh..... Maybe that was his biggest mistake. And mine too.

It's been a crazy week. Got cheated on, spent a whole night with a stranger. It was good though. Then this news. I don't even know what's going on. General didn't said a word about what happened. Ahhh.... Didn't even got a week to rest.

I sighed and put my headphones on. There's still two hours before I reach camp base.

I'm Just a Kid was playing.


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