Don't Hold Back

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[A Week Have Passed By]

I'm so sleepy right now. I couldn't get enough sleep because of yesterday night!

Yesterday two guys attacked me out of the blue while I was returning from work. I don't know maybe they wanted my money. The worst part was that they broke my bike. My precious baby is gone .(╥_╥). Now they're in police custody.

Tomorrow it was pretty late. Even Hiwatari left the office before me. It's not my fault there was a huge load of work at the shop as well as at the company.

Whatever today's Saturday that means I've to sneak in Hiwatari mansion again. Last Saturday I was able to attach a hidden camera in the hall. Today I need to find out Voltaire's room and study room. Maybe I'll get some important files there!

[At Night, Around 2AM]

I've successfully sneaked in again. It's completely dark here. Even though I could not see anything, I've felt someone's presence. I tried to stand as still as possible and lowered my breathing.

"You walk so steadily even in the dark. What are you? A thief?"

Shit it's Hiwatari! Did he notice me or is he just bluffing? I didn't move.

"Or maybe........ an assassin?!" He grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me against the nearby wall. And locked me with his arms.

"Tell me which one are you? I knew you were no ordinary woman! You do your job too perfectly! Yesterday you took two of my trained men down like it was a piece of cake" 

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"Tell me which one are you? I knew you were no ordinary woman! You do your job too perfectly! Yesterday you took two of my trained men down like it was a piece of cake" 

He sent them?! He broke my precious bike? I'm gonna kill him. But I kept my cool for the sake of information..(T⌓T).

"Which fucking company's fucking boss send you to kill me huh?!" He turned on the switch and suddenly everything was visible clearly.

Wait a second he really thinks that. I couldn't hold my laughter back anymore.

"What are you laughing at?" He sounded pretty mad.

"You really believe that?" I asked


"That I'm an assassin who's here to kill you because some company's boss ordered me to? What a narcissist! Well you suspected me, followed me, send two men to attack me but still you don't have a single lead. Do you Mr. Detective?"

"Then care to explain the situation, Black Widow?" He finally lost it I guess.

"Well I don't think that you're involved and maybe you can help me so......."

"So what?" He banged the wall behind me with his hands. Yuup he has lost it. 

"Voltaire has managed to escape!"

"What wasn't he in the x jail of India? That's impossible! No one can escape from that. You're lying"

"No one could escape until now!"

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