Good Night

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I excused myself, told Kai that I'll wait for him in the car wished the newly wed a happy life then rushed towards the parking spot.

Kai's POV
Avana seems a little off. She was just fine before coming here.

As my job here was done I excused myself and walked towards my car. Opening the door I found her sobbing.
I was surprised at first and as I don't know how to comfort I got in the car and started driving. ''Home?'' I asked. ''No drop me in the first bar you cross'' she answered.

''Why? Wanna get high?''

''Yes actually then find some random guy and have sex maybe''  Though I know she said the last pharse to tease me still it boiled my blood.

''I'll go with you''

''You don't have to! I was just kidding'' she forced a smile on her face.

''That's not your decision to make''

After a long awkward silence I said,''First I'll go home and change. I can't afford to have alcohol marks on my million dollar suit''. She didn't say a word. The rest of our journey was silent.

After reaching home I changed in a regular suit. I came out, the first thing that she said was,''Are you really going to attend a party in a suit?'' Her expression told me that I committed a crime.

''I wore suit in all the parties I've attended so far''

''We are going to a downtown party richass''. Ok I'm officially offended ''I'm still your boss''

''Not after the working hour NO''

''Then choose something for me''

Avana's POV
I went through his whole closet and there's nothing but suits of different brands. How can a person have no normal clothes?! Even Elijah Mikaelson had casual clothes! Then opening one of his drawers I found a black and yellow tshirt and a cargo pants. I was surprised but......

''Perfect'' I said and handed him those.

"It's Tala's" he said

"That makes sense. It surely can't be yours. I'm sure he won't mind"

"Whatever" he put it on

"Whatever" he put it on

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We're all ready to go. His eyes were stuck on me. I couldn't help but blush a little. His stare was getting a little creepy so I asked, ''What?"'

''You look-" he started

''Pathetic? I know! How do girls even wears these dresses? They're so uncomfortable!'' I cutted him off.

''No beautiful. I was going to say beautiful and sexy'' he slowly walked towards me as I was tie-ing my hair into a bun.

He ran his hand through my hair, grabbed my hair which I made into pony tail, with his other hand he took the scrunchie out of my hand and lose his grip on my hair, then set my hair a bit and said, ''Don't tie it up you look better with your hair down. Come on let's get going''. Now I'm blushing so hard, I bet I look like a tomato.

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