Chapter 1

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Dippers POV (5 Years ago)

So... This is it huh? it just ends like this.

We defeated bill but now I feel... Guilty? No I can't feel guilty for him he wanted to kill us.

But I feel something like theres something off. something missing. I'm probably over reacting its probably just adrenaline.

I walk back to the shack after visiting Bills statue for the last time mom and dad called to get us home as soon as possible. they probably arent going to let us return after Weirdmageddon. I decided to go home instead of staying here and studing with ford. I couldnt do that to Mabel. I arrive at the shack and see my grunkles waiting with my bags. This is it the end of the summer and the end of Gravity Falls for us. atleast for awhile...

As we get on the bus home i look over at mabel she looks happy to go home. of course she would she has friends back home she was always the better twin more friends more populair no getting bullied. I look outside the window as we leave the small town.

(Present (5 Years later) Still Dippers POV)

Today is the day summer vacation which means we finally get to go backt to Gravity Falls. ever since we left i felt... Empty? is that the right word its hard to give it a name. its as if I'm incomplete and i dont know why. i rush out off class as someone pushes me "Watch it nerd" they said as I look up i see Bryant a jock in Senior year. he Pushes me on the floor and kickes me in my stomach a few times and the leaves /What an ass/ I think as i get up to meet mabel at the gate. Mabel and I have been growing apart alot since weirdmageddon she barely talks to me and when she does it isnt always nice. "Hey Dip, you finally ready?" She says a little anoyed. she doesnt know i get bullied i doubt she would care anyway. ''Yeah lets go'' I tell her as i get in the drivers seat of our shared car. she never drove it she always made me drive her places and school is no exception. we arive home where we get our stuff and say our goodbyes to our parents who still dont think this is a good idea. the havent let us go back to Grafity falls after Bill fearing something would happen to us well more like mabel she was the favorite aftetall

as we drive up to the sleepy town we see it looks the same as 5 years ago. we drive off the main road to the Shack which still has the s laying on the roof. good nothing is different from when we left. i pull up in the driveway to see Our grunkles Stan and Ford, Soos, Wendy, Pacifica and Gideon. Pacifica, Mabel and Gideon got alot closer and were now good friends. i turn off the engine as i see Mabel already out of the car and running to the group. there was a huge banner infront of the gift shop with "WELCOME BACK MABEL AND DIPPER" on it. "Dipper my boy how have you been" Ford said hugging me. I hugged back ''ive been great Grunkle Ford! What about you, find any new creatures?'' Ford laughed at me ''Of course i did wouldnt be much of a reachercer if i didnt, come on ill show it to you'' we walked inside and into the basement after I greeted everyone and ford showed me a notebook full off new and facinating creatures''Dipper, while i was in the woods i noticed something. its bills statue it isnt there anymore'' I looked at Him With wide eyes but on the inside i was kind of Happy? no Dipper stop that hes an evil dream demon who tried to kill you and your family. "Are you sure Grunkle Ford" I asked ""Yeah so either someone moved him or hes out anyways its a big problem but Dipper," He put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me serious "Dont tell anyone no one but you knows I'm afraid the others will act irrational" I nodded at him "Dont worry Grunkle Ford this secret is save with me" I said as i heard Grunkle Stan calling us for dinner.

We walked upstairs and into the dining room to so everyone at the table waiting for us we sit down and I start a conversation with Wendy as she is closest to me. after dinner i went to the car to grab my bags and took them upstairs to the attic while Mabel took hers to the secret room. Since we are almost 18 Grunkle Stan thought it was best to have seperate rooms. I close my eyes as i lay on my bed falling asleep to have a dream with a certain triangle who looked alot more human and hot than nessecary.

(Earlier in a cabin in the woods) (??? POV)

Hmm it seems the pine twins are back into town maybe i should pay them a visit soon. I sure am excited to see my pinetree again. I have been talking to him in his dreams he knows im back since the moment I was free but i wasnt scared that he would tell anyone especially Sixer we bonded alot over the last 5 years. Speak of the devil i feel him falling asleep as i decide to pay him a little visit in his dream.

(If you have any notes please let me know so i can get better

942 Words)

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