Chapter 3

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(3rd Person POV)

Apparently reviving a Demon is really hard but by morning Dipper did it. Infront of him Stood the one and only Bill Cipher. "Pinetree! I'm so happy to see you now i can touch you for real" He said as he hugged Dipper tightly. "I'm happy to see you too Bill" Dipper hugged back. as he looked around the cabin which completely changed it now had a yellow couch with a blue rug and a glass coffie table it had a big kitchen with a kitchen island the creepy cabin turned into a homey one. "Like it Pinetree? I thought since i have to stay here might as well make it look like there wasnt a murder comitted here" He laughed Dipper laughed with him "It looks great Bill. it looks very you" Dipper yawned as bill dragged him to the couch "You tired pinetree?" he looked at Dipper concerned to be honest he was tired to with this new body he had all the human needs "Yeah a little but its fine" Dipper said as he yawned again he slumped against bill closing his eyes. Bill picked him up as he walked to the bedroom and put him in the bed as he turned to leave he felt a tug on his coat "Stay please" Dipper said barely awake. how could Bill say no to that so he got in the bed next to Dipper as soon as he layed in bed Dipper snuggled against him.  they fell asleep really easly as they were both tired. Bill had been getting these feelings for Dipper he couldnt really describe he's gotten them ever since he met him he didnt know what to do with them. but now he did he knew what they were why he had them He was in love with Dipper. And for Dipper well lets just say he doesnt feel empty anymore

As Dipper and Bill woke up they realised it was already past noon. Dipper quikly got up and grabbed his books "Bye Bill I'll be back tonight promise" he said as he ran out the door Bill chuckled at him as he watched him leave. Dipper ran back to the shack but it still took him 2 hours he was about 30 minutes away when he bumped into something or no someone. he looked up to see Grunkle Ford standing infront of him "Dipper! there you are We've been looking for you" He looked happy to see me "GUYS I FOUND HIM" Ford yelled as he looked behind him

(Dipper POV)
 "Dipper You worried us" I heard Grunkle Stan say as he came from behind a tree Mabel behind him she didnt look very happy to see me more annoyed. "Lets go back to the shack and you can tell us where you were" Ford said. as we turned to walk i heard something behind us i turned back and stood in shock "Grunkle Ford?" I said as he turned he saw it too Floating eyeballs watching us "Dipper, we need to grab one do you have a bag or something"He whispered to me I nodded and went to my pocket as Ford went around the eyeballs they followed him. "What are you guys doing now" Grunkle Stan said a bit annoyed "SHH" We both shushed him "Those are floating eyeballs hard to find and harder to capture this is a perfect chance" I whisper to him "Its impossible to catch and They get scared really easy " Ford adds. I caught one of these in the dreamscape with bill we'd hunt them to study them thats how i know how to defeat and capture alot of them the eyeballs are really hard but not impossible. I slowly and quietly walk over to the back left of them we figured out thats their blindspot i look over at Grunkle ford and see him looking a bit confused as i turn back to the eyeballs and scoop all of them up in one go 5 of them in the bag ford walk over to me and ties a rope around the bag and put it over his shoulder "Nice job Dipper" he said as we walk back to the shack Ford Immediatly goes to his lab while i go to the kitchen and make a sandwich Stan follows Ford so its just me and Mabel "Where were you Dipper" She said a bit cold not that I cared Nothing could ruin my good mood Bill was back i caught some floating eyeballs and was now enjoying a lovely sandwich"The woods i got up early and decided to go for a walk but got distracted and just realized it now" I replied as i walked to the table and sat down she looked at me through squinted eyes "Bullshit" I was shocked Mabel never swore "I went into your room last night because i hade a nightmare and you werent there" /Shit/ i thought I dont say anything as she asks "So I'm going to ask again Where were you?" I still dont say anything thinking about a good excuse to tell her "If you dont tell me i'll tell Grunkle Ford" "I told you i was in the woods early and lost track of time" I decide to stick to my story they cannot know about Bill. "Tsk I cant believe you wont tell me I'm your sister" She says angrly as she gets up to go to her room. "What was that about" Stan asks as he walks into the kitchen "She doesnt believe where ive been" "Where were you then" "I went into the woods early and lost track of time" Stan hums "Sounds like you kid, just give it some time she'll get over it" He says "Yeah You're probably right" We hear some yelling as we see Ford run out of the lab with the 5 Floating eyeballs behind him shooting lazers /Ahh he touched them. they dont like that/ i get up to grab a mirror and show them theirself it freaks them out Because they arent supposed to be close to other groups of Floating eyes and they run off "Thanks Dipper I would've lost my head if it wasn't for you" "No problem Grunkle Ford" I say as i walk upstairs waiting for dinner in my bed. After dinner i go back to the woods And to Bill.

(Mabel POV)

I look out the window as i see Dipper running into the forest he probably thought everyone was asleep. I can't believe he lied to me he never lied to me before. Who cares anyways if he wants to tell me the thruth ill listen to him until then I couldn't care less. i lay back in bed as i close my eyes and go to sleep

(Please let me Know if you have any notes

1146 words)

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