Chapter One [NEW]

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But its really minor and and not that grafic 

I finally posted the first vew new chapters . Happy reading! ^^

Dipper's POV (5 Years ago)

So... This is it huh? Its over now?.... Bill is defeated and  the world is saved

Bill is gone. but i feel.... guilty? no that can't be, he tried to kill us and take over the world.

but it feels wrong.. as if somethings missing. It's probably nothing, maybe its just the adrenaline talking I'm probably overreacting.

I take one last look at Bill's statue as i make my way back to the shack. Mom and Dad wanted us to return as soon as they saw what happened on the news. they most likely wont allow us back here after all that. I decided to go back home instead of staying here and being Ford's student, I couldn't do that to mabel especially after all that happened.

I arrive at the shack and see my grunkles and everyone waiting for me with our bags. this is the end of our summer and of gravity falls.... at least for awhile

As we get on the bus and take our seats i look over to Mabel, She looks excited. ofcourse she does she has friends back home unlike me who just gets bullied for being a nerd. she was always the more populair twin of us, both in at home as in gravity falls. I turn to look out the window as we leave the small town we called home.

(Present (5 years later) Still Dipper's POV)

Today is the day, Summer vacation, And this year we finally get to go back to gravity falls. ever since we left I felt... Empty? I can't really describe it.. as if something is missing from me, as if i'm incomplete and i can't figure out why. But when I go to sleep theres something that makes me feel whole again.

I rush out of class as the last bell rings as someone pushes me back "Watch it nerd" i hear 

when i look up i see Bryant Muligan a jock, a senior and a total dick. he grabbes my shoulders and throws me on the floor after which he kicks me a few times in the stomach and leaves while laughing with a few of his friends. this happens daily and is one of the leading causes to the plentyfull scars that abore my skin. I pick myself up as I have no time to wallow in pain. 

I hurry to the main entrance where Mabel is waiting for me. Which leads me to the second leading cause of my love for long sleeves. Mabel and I have grown apart since weirdmageddon, she just moved on while i couldn't. we barely talk anymore and when we do it's hardly nice. "Finally ready to go dip?" she says a little anoyed, she doesn't know I'm being bullied and if i would tell her i don't think she would care. "Yeah lets go" I say as I get in the drivers seat of our shared car, she never drives it and make me drive her everywhere ofcourse was school no exception. thats one of the few interactions I get with her. after a short drive we arrive home to grab our already packed bags and to say goodbye to our parents who try to disuade us one last time. they haven't allowed us back after Bill fearing something would happen to us, well more like something happening to Mabel. She was the favorite after all.

We get in our car and make our way to Gravity falls. As we approach the sleepy town we can see that it all looks very much the same as 5 years ago, alone for a few new stores and markets. 

we drive off the main road to the shack where i see that the S is once again laying on the roof, looks like grunkle stan still won't hire anyone profesional to fix the sign. Good, Nothing has changed since we left. I pull into the driveway and see our Grunkles, Soos, wendy, Pacifica and Gideon waiting for us. Mabel has gotten closer with Pacifica and Gideon over the phone and are now really good friends, i know this because she was gushing about it to our parents at dinner not because she told me herself. In front of the giftshop there is a huge banner with 'WELCOME BACK MABEL AND DIPPER' writen on it, ofcourse I'm second I always am. I turn of the engine as i see mabel already out the car and running to the group with a huge smile. 

I make my way over and Ford slings an arm around me "Dipper My boy how have you been" he says as he pulls me into a hug "Ive been great grunkle Ford! how about you, find any new creatures recently?"

 Ford chuckled "Ofcourse I did, wouldn't be much of a researcher if i didn't. come I'll show you" I greeted everyone as we made our way into the basement. In the basement Ford showed me his new notebook full of fascinating creatures he met, I however already saw these long ago in my dreams.

Ford turned to me with a serious look "Dipper. in my recent expedition into the forest, I found that Bill's statue is gone " I pretend to look shocked at this new information. To tell you the truth I already knew the statue was gone, and when it happened. You see, Bill has been showing up in my dreams for the last 5 years, ever since we left Gravity Falls. To say I was happy was a huge overstatement, afterall he did try to kill me and my family and take over the world.

"Are you sure Grunkle ford?" Good thing I joined drama club, eventhough the bullying made it way worse, because he seemed to be buying my shock and confusion.

"I'm sure Dipper, either someone moved him or he got out on his own. Eitherway it's a big problem" he put a hand on my shoulder ''Keep this revelation between us, alright? I fear that the others may act irrational once they find out'' I nod "Don't worry, The secret is save with me" We turn back to the notebook as he begins to explain about some creatures, he's only a little wrong about some of them. after we almost finish the notebook Grunkle stan calls us up for dinner.

We walk upstairs into the dining room, where we see everyone waiting for us to begin dinner. I sit down and start a conversation with wendy as she is closest to me, I try to ignore the annoyed stares of Mabel. once we finish dinner i go to the car to grab our bags, Mabel made me grab hers aswell. i bring my bags to the attic and mabel brings hers to the secret room, grunkle stan thought that since we are almost 18 we should sleep in seperate rooms to keep our privacy. I lay down on my bed as my eyes begin to become heavy. I smile as I have to meet a certain Dream Demon in my dreams who looks alot more human and alot more hot than necessary.

(In a cabin in the woods ??? POV)

Oh My! it seems that the pine twins are back in town. I suppose I should give the family a visit soon. I can't wait to see my pinetree again, eventhough we have been talking every night i still want to see him in the flesh so i can admire him even more. Pinetree and I have been talking in his dreams ever since i got locked in that statue and he knew that with my accumilated power I moved my statue to mess with Sixer. However I never feared he would tell anyone where I put it, especially Sixer. We have grown quite close in the past 5 years and I grew very fond of him. It seems My PInetree is falling asleep, I'll go to pay him a visit in his dreams

(1336 Words 

Please let me know if you have any notes)

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