Chapter 2

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(Dreamscape 3rd person POV)

Dipper woke up in the Dreamscape He looked around seeing the Grafity Falls woods and was just about to start walking when he heard a sound in the bushes. he walked closer to look

"Pinetree you're here finally" Bill said as he jumped out of the bushes and hugged Dipper.

"Bill, Dont do that" Dipper whined trying to get the dream demon off with no succes. "Ahh but i love hugging my Pinetree" he said hugging closer. "Well... did you miss me?" "We saw each other Yestreday Bill" "I know I know but still, i missed you" Dipper laughed as the dream demon let go and dragged him deeper into the forest "Lets go hunting" He said. You see Dipper recently started his own journal with the dream demon. since he wasnt alowed to go to Gravity Falls Bill Brought Gravity Falls to him. /He's real sweet once you get to know him better/ Dipper thought. Bill and Dipper were very close since no one wanted to talk to Dipper since he was a nerd and such and mabel and his parents havent really been paying attention to him. but all was fine Dipper really liked Bill, And Bill Really liked Dipper. but yet they could only meet up in dreams as Bill was still inhis statue. now Dipper knew where his statue was since Bill told him but he was thinking wouldn't it be nice to have him around again? Ford would probably kill him the moment he knew but he couldnt really without dipper and he wasnt planning on killing him. "Hey Bill?" "Yes pinetree" "Would you want to be Back in the normal world" "Of course i would That gives me more time with you" "Pfft you're so anoying"

That settles it he's going to free bill.

The rest of the dream they just looked for creatures and bill would tell Dipper all about them because he still knew everyting. The ground began to shake "Looks like you're waking up Pinetree See you soon" with that he woke up

(Dipper POV)

"Dipper Dipper wake up its time for breakfast" Ford said softly. "I'll be down in a moment Grunkle Ford" I said. Ford left the room and I went downstairs to eat. "Morning Dipper" Grunkle stan said "Morning everyone" I sat next to Grunkle Ford and began to talk to him he was confused since I always sat next to Mabel but ignored it and started talking to me. "Have you made any new journals Grunkle Ford?" I kinda needed something from the old journals but those were destroyed. "Actually i have i recreated the first 3 Journals but i Dont remember everything and I know you basically memorized them could you take a look at them" Yes thats exactly what i needed. "Of course I would" I give him my best fake smile. i havent actually smiled or felt anything with anyone but Bill after Weirdmegeddon it just felt wrong when i smiled like i never ment it but after awhile I just pretended I Didnt want to sound insane to my parents and Mabel. 

We finish up breakfast and walk to the basement where he gives me the journals I grab them but while doing so i drop my own Grunkle ford picks it up and looks through it. "Wow Dipper I didnt know you knew this much about the forest creatures some of these i havent even seen" He said looking surprised at me "Yeah In the summer i had alot of free time after I read the Journals, I wanted to know more" I say a bit nervous if he finds out bill visited in my dreams every night he would go mad. "How about we go Look at some of these, I'm curious about them and i think you can tell me more about them" "Sounds great lets go" Ford grabs his guna nd some smaller ones i go upstairs to grab my knife set I 'Mysteriously' got while in realty i knew it was bill. It was a set off 12 Throwing knives all black with a blue pinetree on the handle he also got me 12 holsters i can attach all over my body they are magical when i throw the knife after 5 minutes it returns in the holster.I put 2 on my arms 2 on my legs 4 on a belt i put on under my pants 2 on my shoulders and 2 in my bag since i could be in my bag when getting attacked. youd be surprised how many times i needed these. I put on a red shirt  a navy blue hoodie and some jeans its quite hot out but i need to wear this hoodie to cover my tattoo of Bills summoning circle no one knows I have it and I'm sure when someone finds out they will think im insane. I walk downstairs with my backpack which contains water my journal and the other 3 journals and some snacks. "Ready Dipper?" ""Ready" we walk into the woods. 

after analysing at least 14 creatures we hear a faint roaring. "Wait I know that roar" I say as the roaring gets closer we hear rusling in the bushes behind us and see a Gremloblin /Great one of these/ I think. Ford has his gun aimed at it and we hear another roar and see.. ANOTHER ONE?? oh this isnt good. While distracted The gremloblin crushes fords gun and pins him to a tree "Dipper Do you know how to defeat him?" "Uhh yeah but we dont have a mirror" Just as i started thinking how else to defeat him it starts to rain. Great. the grow scarier and bigger "Dipper we have to kill it" I hear Grunkle Ford say as he aims for his head. he shoots and Its till standing?? okay so no head i turn to see the other one running for me <Pinetree~~ aim for the arms theyre very sensative > I hear bill whisper to me as i grab the knife off my arm and throw it to the gremloblin whos holding Ford it leaves a gash in the arm and the knife lands in the tree close to Fords face. I know what im doing alright ive been practicing since i got them. With a screech the gremloblin lets go and starts burning. oh yeah i forgot most weak spot hit with this knife means it burns and turns to ash its a special kind of material. Ford falls to the ground with a tud and looks to me with wide eyes as i grab another knife and throw it at the second one who dodges it and runs to me a jump out of the way but it catches my cheekand leaves a scratch pretty deep. i get up and run up to him with a knife since he will just dodge again if i throw another one and this time I plunge the knife into his forearm and drag it down it screeches as it turns to dust. "Grunkle ford are you okay? " I ask as i run up to him his leg looks bad "I'm fine my leg just hurts alot you are going to have to help me get back" I help him up and he leans on my shoulder "How did you know to hit his arm" he asks me "I fought one with Mabel in the summer we wanted a real attraction in the shack and it didnt work out so well" It wasnt a complete lie i just didnt kill it back then i used a mirror buthe doesnt need to know that.

 we walk to the shack and go trough the kitchen door where Mabel and Grunkle Stan are having lunch they look at us when we walk in and I put Grunkle Ford into a chair and put his hurt leg on another chair as i grab some ice. "Ford what happened?" Grunkle Stan asked "Nothing stanley i was caught of guard by a Gremloblin well.. 2 of them" he said leaning back "Wait arent those the ones who show you your nightmares" Mabel asked as i came back and put the ice on Grunkle Fords leg "Yeah thats the one" I replied as i grabbed the first aid kit because ford had several cuts on his face arm abd shoulder i get to cleaning the wounds "How did you get away" Stan asked "Well Dipper here saved me and probably my life" "Its nothing Grunkle Ford you wouldve done the same" I say as I start bandaging him. He looks at my face and my cut "This needs stiches he scrached you good. here let me do it " he says as he starts to get up "No no its fine i can do it myself you need to rest you got banged up pretty good" I look at The rest and nod to them as i walk up the stairs and into the bathroom in my room.

I look in the mirror and see it really is deep i grab the first aid kit from under the sink and start patching myself up when im done I walk back downstairs as i hear something fall i walk into the kitchen and see Grunkle ford standing at the stove and pans around him he probably dropped them i begin picking them up and putting them back and push Grunkle Ford back on the chair "Dipper I'm fine and hungry let me make some eggs" he said trying to get back up I push him back "I'll make it you probably have a concussion stay seated" I say as I go make the man some eggs I make some for myself as well and walk back to the table. grunkle ford was complaining the whole time I was cooking but once he got eating he was less grumpy. "this is really good Dipper Thank you" He said "No problem Grunkle Ford" after we were done i do the dishes and help him walk to the lab and go upstairs and work on the journals till dinner time. "DIPPER DINNER" I hear Mabel yell from down the stairs I go downstairs to eat dinner. after dinner i wait until everyone is asleep and slip out of the window and into the woods.

I walk for about 3 Hours ans I reach a cabin i walk in "Hey Bill How are you" I say as i walk closer to the statue.

(If you Have any notes please let me know

1765 Words)

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