Chapter 7

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(Dipper POV)

We Left Waddles with Candy and Rex with Fiddleford since we didn't know when we'd be back and I trusted Fiddleford to not kill my dinosaur and maybe just inspect it. We have been walking for about 4 days I rewired the demon tracker to show weird activity instead and it hasn't been easy we once excidentally tried to cut down steve's leg as we were looking for fire wood and he got really mad but after promisses off lots of berries and alot of 'sorry' he forgeve us. we also fell right into a gremloblins den and were attacked by like 6 of them at the same time while i had to save us all it was an epic battle but still i was beat after. and we crossed paths with the unicorns who wanted to fight us but after talking to them and (Secretly) showing bills charm they let us go. And now we fell in a gnome trap and where being brought to the Gnome forest we were tied to trees as Mabel was brought into the middle of the place while everyone was screaming "Queen" /Not this again/ I didn't want to kill the gnomes they were actually kinda nice when they weren't kidnapping us. 

"Mabel our queen we meet again" It was Jeff goddamnit

"I don't want to be your queen let me go"

"To bad your cornation is right now after we shall kill your family and you'll be ours forever"

Wow that went dark quick.

"Dipper" I hear Ford whisper and i look over at him as he nods to his stungun. I nod understanding and 'try to get free' i was already free the moment the were done tying the ropes. lets just say Bill likes to tie me up to trees and run away. I 'get free' and grab the stungun as i drop a small useless knife next fords hand.

"Dipper you need shoot the guy standing over mabel" he said trying to reach the knife 

the guy over mabel is surrounded by like 30 other gnomes good thing for us is Bill likes alot of diffrent weird games and shooting is one of them since in the mindscape you can't die. I aim and shoot for the little guys head and hit it spot on 10 of the gnomes surround the fallen gnome and i start hitting the other 20 as i reach Mabel and get her free from the ropes the remeaning gnomes then start to get angry and go into a big gnome while we run away as i see Grunkle Ford and Stan also running to the exit i see the gnomes reaching for Mabel and Push her forward as they grab my hoodie and pull me back 

"Dipper!" I hear Mabel say as she is already at the exit I nod to Grunkle ford and he Grabs Mabel as he flings her over his shoulder and runs dragging Stan with him. I think of ways to get out of this and can only think of one. I take of my hoodie and runto the exit the forest running I run to Grunkle ford and stan as Mabel screams 

"Grunkle ford we need to go back to save Dipper"

"He got this Mabel don't worry" He said

"Yeah Mabes don't worry" I say as i run past them she lights up and ford puts her down so she can run herself she runs to me as i start to run faster beceause I see the gnomes right behind us I run in front as I try to think where to go. MULTIBEAR the gnomes are afraid of the bear well he doesnt live there anymore the gnomes don't know that I lead everyone to the caves and see the cave i'm looking for I wait at the entrance for them and we get in I try to hide my arm the best i can without my hoodie but ofcourse Mabel notices 

"Dip whats that?" She said as she pointed at my arm

"Nothing Mabel" I say as I try to hide it from her I think of an idea and and settle on using magic to cover it up with a cloaking spell its easy to do and i could hold it for awhile with the gloves. i then let her grab my arm and all she sees are some old cuts /Shit i forgot about them/ thats the whole reason behind the tattoo to hide my cuts I don't do that anymore having been clean for 2 years now but they're still there. she looks sad and drops my hand and walks away ford throws my bag which has my coat in it i didnt wear it today beceause it was hot out but now we're nearing night and its getting a bit chilly especially in this cave I put it on and we start a campfire deciding its best to wait for tomorrow to look further. I look at Mabel and see her looking sad over to me and i just look away I don't know what to say we haven't been that close in awhile. I decide to just go to sleep and turn my back to her and try to sleep. at least bill visits me in my dream its very hard for him to do since he's in a human form but he says its worth it so he must be really lonely I told him to get Rex from Fiddleford but he was scared of being reconized so I told him to go to Rex in his dream and make him come to him which he did and i haven't gotten a manic call from Fiddleford yet so he's either panicing or looking for rex.

(Mabel POV)

Now I know why he has been so secretive over his arm. they looked old and healed but I still can't feel like this is my fault we kinda drifted appart an i knew we were but i did nothing I look over him giving him a sad smile he looks away and goes to sleep am i really that bad of a sister that he didn't want to tell me. I'll try to change maybe if i get closer again he'll tell me about James I still haven't told him i know since me and Ford didn't want him knowing we followed him but now i feel guilty about it I should've just trusted him.

(Dipper POV)

I wake up in destress Bill didn't visit me tonight and i had a very bad feeling i look over to see everyone still asleep and i grab my back and go to walk to Bills cabin. as i open the door i see that the whole house is a mess i close the door behind me and walk cautiously to the bedroom to just see him sleeping and I let out a sigh of relieve I see rex sleeping ontop of him and i smile /cute~/ I yawn as it is still kinda dark out and decide its best to go back now before anyone wakes up. I turn to walk away but get stopped by something grabbing onto my coat I look to see Bill bearly awake "Pinetree come sleep" I couldn't say no to that he looked so cute i walk around and slip into the bed and he cuddles me closer Rex wakes up a moment but snuggles between bill and me and goes to sleep as I too fall into a dreamless sleep.

(If you have any notes Please let me know 

1274 words)

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