Chapter 8

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(Bill POV)

I wake up and see Pinetree in my arms I smile at him and kiss the top of his head he stirs a bit but doesn't wake up. He looks cute in sixers coat it fits him good I get out of bed and start making breakfast I look around the house to see its a mess Rex and I had a bit of a fight you could say. I snap my fingers and it cleans itself up. I look over at the clock to see its noon Pinetree is not going to like that. I just finished breakfast well its Lunch now but that doesn't matter I go to wake up Dipper so we can eat but i see him already sitting at the table with Rex on his lap. 

"Here you go Pinetree" I say as i give him a plate 

"Thanks Bill"

"I didn't know you'd be done with your searching today" He told me it would take atleast 2 weeks and it hasn't been even been one.

He sits up and mutters a small ''Shit'' he then shoves the eggs into his mouth and gets up.

"We aren't done I felt something wrong and went to you planning to return after i knew everything was alright but i fell asleep" He starts walking to the door "Ill try to visit sooner promise. I just need them to get of your back" He said opening it. I walk to him "Alright Pinetree thank you for helping me" I kiss him on the head and he turns a bit red as I lean further down and stare at his lips he inches closer and our lips brush gently I then glose the small gap and hear him gasp as we both melt into the kiss. we part ways when we need air and we both look a bit red "I- I really need to go but when i return I-" He started to say "I would like to continue then but I dont know about you" i interupt him. He looks at me and smiles the cutest smile "I'd love to continue when i return. so i must leave now so i can get them of your tail as fast as possible." I smile back and kiss him again he kisses back and i let him go to look for his family. What is this boy doing to me. I look at him lovingly as he is walking away. 

I'm In love.

(Dipper POV)

I think I'm in love. Bill Kissed me and I felt complete like i could die right there and it wouldn't have mattered because i had achieved everything i wanted but I also idn't want to die just to spent more time with him. I'm in love, aren't I. I walk into the forest and back to the cave while smiling. As i arrive i see everyone getting ready to attack someone Ford is making sure his guns are loaded Stan is punching the wall with his brass knuckles making small cracks in the wall and mabel is crying in a corner. I put down my bag "What are we fighting now" I say and everyone looks up 

"Dipper! You're back we thought the gnomes took you" Mabel said happily walkingup to me and hugging me.

"No just I couldn't sleep and went for a what was supposed to be a short walk but i got lost somewhere in the enchanted forest and my phone died" I say good thing I can lie so good. 

"Thank god, just don't do that again we don't want bill finding you" I chuckled quietly at that he could find me anytime he wanted since i had his mark on my complete arm. I didn't know at the time but putting the cipher wheel on my arm gave me a conection with the dream demon he'd now when i was in danger and i knew when he was in danger. 

"I won't do it again grunkle ford don't worry" 

"Okay good now lets continue i got a strong signal from the edge of a mountain" He said

We walk to the edge of the forest  and up the mountains 

"Wait this looks familiar" I say.

We walk into a cave on the edge of the mountain.

"Oh no I know this place" I say as i hear grunting.

we walk further in and see manotaurs. Great. 

"Ahh Dipper Have you killed multibear yet" I hear someone say I turn around to be meeted by Chutzpar. You remember Chutzpar right he tried to make me a man and i had to kill multibear and turns out we had a lot in common and i decided against it, And yes they are still mad about that. 

"Chutzpar. No I haven't I wouldn't dare kill a friend"

"Dipper? You know these manotaurs" Ford asks

"Yeah I met them that summer when stan said i couldn't be a man and I met Chutzpar who thought me some really stupid stuff" I said. Yes I was also still mad but i was mad because they were so childish. 

"You arent welcome in the MANcave you will always be a little boy. although you have grown quite a bit"  He said inspecting me. I crossed my arms and looked to ford 

"Can we PLEASE hurry up here before they make me put my hand in the pain hole again" I said Ford nodded and asked for their leader Who also wasn't happy to see me.

"hmm Dipper you're back is multibear dead yet" Leaderaur said (Yes that is his real name why would his parents name him that)

"No he's alive and thriving"

"Uhm Sir we were wondering if you know anything about the whereabouts of Bill Cipher" Ford asked kindly.

"I do have some information but i will not share with the likes of you. Boys" He responded

"There must be something we can do so you will tell us"

Leaderaur looked at us with a smile and pointed at Stan, Ford and Mabel "Manly test" Is all he said 

"Fine" Ford said

"No way, we will only agree if i do it instead of Mabel And no killing Multibear" I interjected. I still have nightmares from the hole

"Alright as you wish"

"Dipper how bad is this test" Ford whispered 

"Don't worry grunkle ford it won't hurt that bad" I whispered to try and make him feel better.

( If you have any notes let me know 

1089 words)

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