Chapter 9

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( Dipper POV)

We do 45 of the tasks and its time for the pain hole. and Stan goes first He immediatly screams in pain and I wince So it wasnt in my mind that it hurt that much.

"What is in the hole Dipper?" Ford asks as he is up next.

"I think its some sort of animal or monster because it growls"

He looks nervous which makes me laugh a bit. Stan stands back next to us holding his hands and panting. Ford nervously goes to the whole and puts his hand in it and screams. Mabel is now standing with us

"Does it really hurt that bad Grunkle stan" She asks

"Yes it does you're lucky your brother took your place"

Ford returns and its my turn I roll up the sleave of my left hand and stick it into the hole waiting for the pain as i feel none. I look confused and take my hand out of the hole and see my whole arm bleeding but i felt no pain. The manotaurs are also confused but say nothing as we just move on to the next task after we bandage my arm. we are now at the 49th task which envolves gorge jumping this one looks bigger than the one i jumped when i was 12 I see Chutzpar jump it and bearly make it he encourages us to do it too and i see Stan and Ford lookining like he's crazy i sigh and look at the cliff I see something in the middle of it like a platform It did look like Chutzpar jumped again in the air but i just thought it was a manotaur thing. I run back a bit and decide to risk it and jump on where i think the platform is and jump again bearly making the edge. I pull myself up and see Ford understanding now he also saw the platform and told stan. they jumped and i helped them get on the ledge. now the last task we go to Leaderaur and he tells us to each get an animal but they cant ask eachother for help or bring back the same animal. we descuss and Stan is going for a bunny while Ford is going for a bird I dont tell them what i'm getting but we split up leaving Mabel with the manotaurs. I look in the forest and see what im looking for a deer. call me whatever you like but it reminded me of bill and our kiss this afternoon and it made me happy. I threw a knife at the deer striking it down and killed it i was thinking of removing the teeth for Bill but decided against it as they would ask why he didn't have any teeth. i took of my jacket as i didn't want ant blood on it and put it in my bag i took. I throw the deer over my shoulder and walk back to the cave. I see Ford and stan already there waiting for me they don't see me and i throw the deer infront of Leaderaur and he looks a bit surprised.

"So you have done it hmm I guess you are a man. Alright I saw Bill on the other side of- " He looks at me and my bloody clothes and sees something shining as I am cleaning myself. He sees its Bills charm and freezes

"Where?" I say as he stops talking and looks at me. he looks scared as if i'm going to kill him with all these people. "He- he's at the other side of the..."  I glare at him if he reveals where bill is i will kill him. "Uhh I think it was at the northen corner of the woods He is hard to miss he is a triangle after all" He laughes nervously as he looks at me with unsertainty I nod at him. he didn't tell a thing how nice guess i'll let him live for now. 

We leave for the shack to clean up and i get into the shower scrubbing away the blood. After i'm done i look in the mirror I look like a zombie. I get dressed and see everyone ready to leave again looking way more refreshed. its pretty late already and we need to get a move to the northen side of the woods as Ford wants this to be over as soon as possible.

We have been walking for HOURS we're all tired and FINALLY Ford decides to but up camp here. we sleep and continue to walk north

 Its a 4 DAY WALK yes it is terrible but atleast we weren't attacked by gnomes again The north is considered the most dangerous part of the forest and we are really on edge well they are i know exactly whats in this part and although it isnt pretty I'm not worried I know how to kill all of them in a second without anyone even noticing which is what i've been doing all this time which is also why they are on edge its kinda funny if you think about it. we have been walking for around 3 and a half days and we are close to the part where Bill was supposed to be but ofcourse he wasn't there but I did message Bill saying we need a fake him in triangle form he said he knew a demon who owed him to do it and had it covered. we walk into a big rainforest like place and then we see it Bill Cipher well if you look close enough you could see he wasnt the normal yellow and his voice was a bit off but they wouldn't notice. Ford aimed his gun at 'Bill' and shot him earning a laugh from the demon

"Come on Sixer try a bit harder that that" He said

Ford puts some code into his weapon and fires again The demon turning into stone slowly I hear him muttering "This hurts like a bitch no wonder he didn't want to do it" Once he's a stone Ford grabs a large stick and smashes the statue he grabs 4 pieces and gives us all one "Don't lose this or he could return again" Great I'm going to have to steal them from them. I grab one and put it in my pocket.

 we finally go back to the shack and it takes us another 4 days when we arrive we get a welcome home party for once again saving the world although we really didn't do anything. we all have fun until Ford shoves McGucket to me. I already know what he's going to say but I'll act surprissed anyway just for fun "Dipper My boy I uhh" He said nervously. "I kinda lost Your Dinosaur I really didn't know where he went one day he just left I'm so sorry" I laugh at his nervousness "Don't worry McGucket i know where he is I plan on picking him up tomorrow But he's fine don't worry" I see him releasing a breath he had been holding. And he walks away Happy. I decide I've had enough of the party and slip out the back to Bill. 

Once i arrive at the cabin I'm tired andi Enter the house to Bill and rex playing on the couch Bill looks up and smiles at me I walk to him and we kiss I melt into the kiss feeling more alive then ever I break away for air and see him smiling at me. I blush a bit at that

"You must be tired Pinetree, come on" He said bicking me up as i wrap my legs arround his waist and he carries me to the bed and we lay there cuddling and kissing eachother all night. Now that theres no more danger they could finally be together. Right?

(If you have any notes Let me know 

1337 words)

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