Chapter 11

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(Mabel POV)

It's been 2 weeks since we found out that Dipper was working with Bill. After Ford shot at him and James showed up out of nowhere, or who i thought was James but was actually Bill with a diffrent name, and took Dipper away I felt so sad. How could Dipper be so selfish and side with Bill and just lie to me. I knew something was up with James he was way to attached to Dipper, DIPPER the loner kid who has no friends. I haven't seen Dipper since and I'm glad he really was a burden to be honest. I walk downstairs to get something to eat and see Grunkle Stan at the table with Gideon, Wendy, Robbie, Fiddleford, Soos and Pacifica. Thats all the signs of the spell to defeat Bill well minus Dipper and Grunkle Ford. 

"Mabel come sit down Ford should be up any minute" Grunkle stan said. I sit next to Pacifica and Robbie. I hear the vending machine open and see a surprisingly well rested Ford walk in.

"Thank you all for coming" He said as he sat down In between Pacifica and Gideon.

"I Invited you all to let you know Bill is back. and he has Dipper" He said calmly

"Wait- he's back? Why isn't the sky red yet then" Gideon said he sounded nervous.

"we can only assume that Dipper made some kind of deal to keep us save"

"Dipper? You mean the most paranoid kid I've ever met made a deal with the most untrustworthy being that ever walked the earth?" Wendy asked

"as i said we can only assume. but yes" 

Dipper made a deal to save us? Now I feel bad saying those bad things about him. he saved our lives. 

"Dipper did seem diffrent eversince he came back here don't you think" Pacifica said.

"No he's been like that since we left Gravity falls that summer" I replied

"That doesn't matter now. we need to get Dipper back and fast. I said some things i shouldn't have said. but I'm finally done with my all demon killer" Ford looked hopefull. thats good. Just as he said that the sky turned red and there was a gash in the sky. We ran outside and saw that the barrier was breaking I looked at Ford as he started to run to a place in the woods. We all followed But once we arrived there the barrier suddenly shattered like glas making us cover our faces. we got some minor wounds but nothing to big, We hear Bill laugh and it brings a chill to my spine. we go back to the shack and think of an idea to defeat bill and Get Dipper back.

(Dipper POV)

Its been 2 weeks since I left those traitors and Bill and I have been prepairing And alot has changed. Bill turned me into a demon and let me tell you it hurt like hell, Bill has been teaching me how to use them and today is the day where I'm strong enough to rule Weirdmageddon with him. I watch as the sky turned red and the X came back into the sky as Monsters came out of it. It brought a smile to my face. I gave Bill the equation to remove the barrier and we were world wide. Nothing could stop us now.

I walk the halls of the fearamid. It's quite beautifull. I make my way into the throne room and see Bill on his throne with mine next to it and the monsters partying. Bills throne was made out of dear teeth while mine was made of gold and had little saphire stones on it. I sit down next to Bill and he smiles. he tells the demons to spread the weirdness over the world and promisses they won't get blocked this time. It's just Bill and I in the room. Bill and Me against the world. 

We have been ruling for 2 years now and Bill and I got married after a year. it was a small wedding with a human priest we forced to marry us. it was a nice wedding. Now we have been married for a year and we were just sitting in he throne room playing cards. Don't judge us after ruling the world for over 2 years theres nothing fun to do anymore so solitaire it is. I was just about to win when the door flung open and there stood Ford with a very dangerous looking gun. although i know it wont hurt us it looked scary. behing him stood Mabel and grunkle Stan and the rest of the town. we looked at them as they stared confused at us back.

"Dipper! We're here to save you" Mabel yells.

save me? Ha very funny with a fake gun too. 

"Cipher give me my nephew and I won't kill you" Ford said

Bill looked at me a bit scared and I nodded telling him it wouldn't hurt us.  i programmed the thing myself It won't hurt me or Bills DNA since i didn't want to die to Ford eventhough I can't die anymore it'll still hurt. 

Bill looked at Ford smirking "No can do Sixer."

"And why not?"

"I don't want to"

Ford looked fuming and I chuckled at that.

I walkied next to Bill smiling at Ford as he did. 

"Dipper come on over here he can't hurt you anymore" Ford said

"No" I said 

"Dipper? come on take my hand" Mabel said reaching for me

I shook my head and kept on smiling.

"Why not kid?" Grunkle Stan said.

"I don't want to" I smiled brighter at him.

Ford got pissed at that and was going to shoot at Bill but i shoved him out of the way and he misses just because we can't die to the gun doesn't mean it doesn't hurt us. he only got more mad at that and then i saw his eyes he was sad and he pointed the gun at me and shot at me. wow thats twice already. I get shot and get thrown to the otherside of the room Bill runs to me 

"Are you okay?" Bill said

"yeah.. yeah I'm fine just caught me by surprise"

Ford walks to us and sees how Bill really cares. we look at him and he lowers his gun looking defeated.

"Fine Cipher. you win. you make Dipper Happy and thats all I really care about" He said.

Me and Bill both looked surprised. I didn't think he'd give up for me. We need to stop weirdmageddon. I look at Bill and he nods at me thinking the same thing. we snap our fingers and everything turns back to normal and everyone gets teleported to the Mystery Shack. Me and Bill go back to the cabin and live there. we talked and decided we would stay under humans and protect the Pines until we would all die well everyone except me. 

I didn't see Mabel until 10 years later as she knocked on my door with Pacifica and 3 kids. we had a lovely conversation and 2 days later I saw Grunkle Ford and Grunkle Stan. from then on the visits where regulair. I would help Ford with telling him about creatures and when I didn't know Bill would help It took a little for him to get used to Bill but he got quite fond of the demon. I would also help Mable and Pacifica who got married and got 3 kids. Sometimes I would babysit as they would go on a date and they imidiatly loved Bill clinging to them. It was starting to look a bit more normal and I couldn't be happier I had a loving Husband and An amazing family.

The End

(If you have any notes let me know

1284 words)

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