Chapter Two [NEW]

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(Dreamscape 3rd person POV)

Dipper opened his eyes tothe dreamscape and saw the gravity Falls forest. just as he was about to start walking he heard some rustling in the nearby bushes, now he knew it wouldn't be anything dangerous since bill generated this forest he wouldn't hurt Dipper in anyway, still he felt a little anxious since Bill had a nasty tendency to pull some grusome pranks. He slowly approached the bush.

"Pinetree! You're finally here!" Bill jumped out of the bushes and tackled Dipper into a big hug.

"Bill, Don't do that. you're sqeezing me to hard" Dipper whined as he tried to shake the dream demon of to no avail. "Awh but i love hugging my Pinetree" he said sqeezing harder "So?... Did you miss me" Dipper looked at Bill as he finally got him to let go "But.. we saw eachother yesterday" Bill chuckled "I know, I know but still... i missed you" Dipper laughed as Bill grabbed his hand and pulled him further into the forest. /He's really sweet once you get to know him/ Dipper thought, afterall Bill was the only one who got Dipper to laugh genuinely these days. with all the bullying from Bryant and his friends, Mabel who never said anything nice to him anymore and his parents who seemingly only had eyes for his counterpart sibling, dipper had been feeling quite depressed and even considered ending it all even hurting himself in the process. But whenever he closed his eyes and went to sleep, Bill was there waiting for him with a lazy smile and a warm hug. So he spend almost all his free time sleeping, How could anyone not care for such a perfect being. right place, right time.

"Come on Pinetree, Lets hunt!" Bill dragged Dipper  behind him. Dipper had recently started his own journal with the dream demon, since he wasn't allowed back in Gravity Falls Dipper was quite upset that he would miss the studying of all the creatures he hadn't yet discovered. So Bill being the kind demon he was offered to teach him since he still had his infinite knowledge.

The hunting for creaetures went flawlessly as always, with bill explaining the non-hostile and hostile creatures with patience and letting Dipper fight the hostile monsters, so that if he would go into the forest on his own he would be able to protect himself. then the ground began to shake, it was time to wake up.

Dipper always hated this part, he would wake up and be all alone in the normal world. he sometimes daydreamed about getting bill free and living the rest of his live with him, but that can't happen, can it? Wait... why couldn't he! Obviously Ford would try to kill Bill but he wouldn't be able to do it without Dipper, and Dipper wouldn't help kill someone so special to him!

"hey Bill? would you one day want to go back to the normal world" Dipper turned to Bill as the world was crumbling "Ofcourse i would want to go to the normal world" he said with a warm smile "What would you do if you could?" Dipper didn't want to bring the dream demon if he was going to try and take over the world again "Hmm... I would get a cabin in the woods where just the two of us could live. it would have to be in the Gravity Falls forest so you can have your expeditions. and we would just live the rest of our days in that cozy cabin, Just you and me." Dipper noticed a light blush on Bills face, Not that he was any better as he was nearly beet red. Dipper turned away from Bill "I- I see... that would be nice, wouldn't it" the world now hanging on by a thread finally collapsed. 

That settles it, He's going to free Bill. No matter the cost

(Dipper's POV)

"Dipper.... DIPPER wake up it's time for breakfast" Ford said shaking me gently "I'll be down in a moment Grunkle Ford" I replied groggily Ford nodded as he left the room and went downstairs. I brush my teeth and make my way downstairs "Goodmorning Dipper" Grunkle Stan said as he saw me walk into the kitchen "Morning everyone" I reply and go to sit next to Grunkle Ford and start a conversation with him. he looked a little confused since i usually sit and talk with Mabel but quickly recovered and engaged in the discusion. "Have you made any new Journals recently?" I asked Ford I kind of need something from them but even though i memorized the whole journal I can't remember this part too well. "Actually I just recreated the 3 journals but I'm not sure I put everything in it. I know you know the journals by heart, so would you mind checking to see if i missed anything" Perfect! that's exactly what i need "Ofcourse I will" I give him my best fake smile. I haven't genuinely smiled at someone other than Bill since Weirdmegeddon but i got very good at pretending, I didn't want my parents or Mabel think that i wasn't normal.

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