Chapter 10

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(Dipper POV)


I've been wrong a few times in my life but never have i been this wrong. I thought now 'Bill' was defeated we would be fine but no of course not because nothing goes right with us.

Ford has gone Crazy. he's convinced that Bill is sceming some elaborate plan to kill everyone and take over the world again. He's not. I have to help Ford to think of a way to defeat Bill but all i've been doing is giving him fake information. I'm finally happy with my new found boyfriend I'm not letting Ford take that away because he's going insane. Its been 2 months since we got together and I have never felt this happy before and i think they're noticing. Mabel started doing some collage courses but i decided to not go to collage and follow in My Grunkle Fords footsteps. Well not literally since i'm not going crazy over the fact that 'Bill might not be dead dipper ever think of that? Maybe he's just playing with us! he could be in this very room' Its getting way out of hand and it needs to be stopped which is why I'm pulling my last resort.

"Hey Grunkle Ford, I saw some Ghosts on their way to the west side of the forest wanna investigate?" I say while walking into his lab

"Hmm? No Dipper not now." He blankly responds. he hasn't slept in days and i have a feeling he won't until he's sure Bill is gone. 

"Alright. Here i brought you some coffee" I say placing a mug of hot coffee down.

"Ah thank you Dipper how helpfull." He said as Stan walks in 

"Another cup Ford? I thought you were going to get some sleep" Stan said.

"Sleep? In a time like this? What if he Kills us when we sleep?" He was really starting to get more paranoid it's kinda sad to watch.

"Anyway I'm close to a weapon to kill any dem-" He says starting to drift to sleep. he slowly puts his head on the table and starts softly snoring.

Yeah I drugged him. He was getting way to crazy without sleep.

Stan looks at me. "What'd you do"

"Me? Nothing. The sleeping pills in his drink however did a wonderfull job."

He chuckles at me and goes to Fords side

"Help me carry him will ya might as well get him in bed" I walk to the other side of Ford and we bring him to his bed and go to the living room enjoying some peace. Mabel came home some time later and joined us.

Ford was asleep for over 48 hours. Maybe i put to much sleeping pills in his drink. Oops. 

Well in my opinion the silence was broken to soon. because as soon as he woke up he began yelling at us 

"HE COULD'VE KILLED US ALL BECAUSE YOU MADE ME SLEEP. OR HE COULD BE STRONGER NOW" It was still the same sleep helped nothing. Great. 

we decided to all take a turn of getting him to change his mind which did not help at all and we got accused of being under Bills control. You know classic Ford stuff. I talked it over with Bill and we decided maybe if he met someone new he'd get his mind off Bill. So we used Bill. Yeah it doesn't sound that great now i say it out loud but it went pretty okay, once he stopped asking questions to see if he was bill. no one reconized him so thats good although they looked a tad suspisious at first. now me and Bill, or should i say James as i introduced him like that, where hanging out here almost every day or in the woods but today he said he had some demon buisness to attend to.It was nearing Dinner time and I'm just sitting my room and touching up some things in my journal when Ford slammed the door open scaring me. Behind him was Mabel in tears and Stan trying to stop him while comforting Mabel. 

"You traitor" He pointed at me.

I looked at him confused "What?"

"You messed with the Demon detector didn't you" He said

Damn how'd he know

"No ofcourse not why would you think that"

"Because Bills back. I saw him in my dream and he said he should thank you for a few things including messing with my demon detector and giving me false information about demons."

Bill? No he wouldn't do that. That demon! ofcourse he was pretty mad that i couldn't fix him yet. well i could i just didn't want to he was kinda rude to me. ohh now i remember what bill said.

 'That demon got into sixers brain and made him think i was still alive so i have to deal with him Sorry we can't hang out today but come visit me with Rex tonight'

I should really listen more 

"I didn't do any of that. He's lying"

"I saw memories Dipper. You helping that Demon it makes me sick." He pulled out a gun and aimed it at my head. oh boy. 

"Grunkle Ford, You said so yourself what if he's manipulating us what if he's trying to get into our head and make us turn on eachother" I said calmly I couldn't bother faking being scared I was thinking of a plan for if he really did try and shoot me. I was a tad affraid yes but not enough to show it.

"Yeah that could be true or... You're an imposter" He shot at me. wait what HE SHOT AT ME? I bearly dodged as he gets ready to shoot me again. I look at Grunkle stan to see him just standing there. Is he really not doing anything to help me? I look to Mabel to see her looking at me with tears in my eyes. they're really not going to help me? That bitch. I look for a way out and see none I slowly grab my coat and Ford tightens his grip on his gun. I look over to Mabel one last time and I see her not moving an inch Iook away disapointed. After all I've done for her. Well theres only one thing I can do Right now and thats reveal all his suspitions are real. Well here goes nothing. I grab My necklace and say bearly loud enough for ford to hear "Bill Cipher" Fords eyes go wide as theres a flash of light and out of it comes Bill, In human form. 

"YOU" Ford yells as he grabs his gun again and aims it at Ford. Bill turns at me confused and grabs my hand as he teleports us away and into the cabin. 

"What was up with him" He asked looking me over.

''That Stupid Demon. Ford has been paranoid off all of us for awhile and when that demon came and said i was helping you he immediatly believed it and started shooting at me'' I say a bit annoyed I thought of everything and it all got messed up because of One little useless demon. 

"And They just stood there not even trying to help me. Like i wasn't their family anymore. After all I've done for them" Now I'm angry My own Family betrayed me.

"We could make them go away" Bill said A little quiet. I knew what he ment and I was all in for it. I had nothing to lose anymore.

Its time to bring back Weirdmageddon.

(If you have any notes let me know

1249 words)

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