Chapter 5

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(Ford POV)

As we follow Dipper and the kid into the woods I decide the kid isn't dangerous and probably a  friend of Dipper when they came in the summer I'll have to ask Mabel that later. we figure out that the kids name is James. They visit the gnomes and Multibear and the Unicorns?? Those are some annoying creatures for sure but they seem to get along fine. They catch some creatures to study even i cant catch some of these wow I'll have to ask Dipper to help me later. It turns into morning and I see James grabbing Dipper and throwing him on his shoulder and leaving they're probably going back to the cabin. we try to follow but get lost and just go back to the shack.

"Grunkle Ford?"

"Yes Mabel"

"Didn't they seem a little to close to you"

"No, Dipper probably met them that summer and kept it from you. You were a bit Boy-crazy remember"

"Yeah, You're probably right. I just don't know why he would keep it from us."

"I don't know either. But Mabel don't ask him we don't want him knowing we followed him"

"Got it"

Mabel went upstairs as I went back into my lab. I'm working on a device to let us know if Bills back or is coming back. I work on it until I hear a knock on my door "Come in" I said

"Hey grunkle Ford" Dipper said as he walks into the room

"Dipper just the one i was looking for"

Dipper walks closer to me and i show him the demon detector and we start talking theories about how bill could be back and how we can defeat him. Its around dinner time and Sanley calls us up to eat. "Dipper I'm planning on going on a camping trip in the woods tomorrow night for about 3 to 4 days to study more creatures would you like to join me?"

"I'd love to Grunkle ford" He said with a smile but there was something behind that smile i couldn't quite place. I decide to ignore it and just continue eating.

 after we eat We all go our seprate ways and i go to my lab to pack.

(Dipper POV) 

I really wasn't looking forward to going camping I really didn't want to. but i couldn't say no because he would get suspisious and i Couldn't have that. I think he bought our plan from yesterday but I still need to be cautious just in case he finishes that demon detector early. I decide to go to Bill early since I'm not going to see him for 4 days. 

I arrive at The cabin making sure i wasnt followed and knock to get inside. I explain Bill everything and he rushes to another room returning with a case and a little box. 

"Here take these they're more knives. and this is a charm that makes sure you're okay if you're ever in trouble just say my name and ill be there in a second. also if you show this charm to the monsters that owe me they'll leave you be" He said as he shoves it in my arms I open the case and see almost the same knives except they arent black and blue but its a yellow blade with a back line through it that indicates that its magical, with on the handle a small triangle instead off a pinetree there are about 16 in it which. i then open the small box to see a necklace with a golden bill in his demon form on it with a small yellow stone on the place where the eye was supposed to be on the back said 'Property of Bill Cipher' 

"Thanks Bill this means alot" I say as I smile at him and hug him. He hugs back immediatly and we cuddle on the couch as we fall asleep.

(Time skip because I'm lazy Its the next day around lunch) (Still Dippers POV)

I just arrived back at the shack and was sitting on the couch with Mabel watching Ghost Turtle II when stan and ford walk in bickering 

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