Chapter 6

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(Dipper POV)

Today is not my day. I woke up to Ford and Stan arguing, Again. and Mabel trying to calm them down. I throw a red shirt on and some black sweatpants and go to grab my hoodie as the door slams open I quickly hide my arm behind my back as Grunkle Ford and Stan walk in 

"Dipper tell him it isn't a smart idea to go after Bill ALONE" Stan says

"Dipper tell him it Bill is not going to come to us so we need to go after him" Ford then says

God they're acting like children

"Ford it's way to dangerous to go alone in the woods looking for Bill"

"Stanley I have to I just want to keep us save. Dipper agrees right?"

Shit. Ford can't find out where Bill is he'll kill him

"Actually Grunkle Ford I think He has a point Bill tried to kill us remember who says he isn't waiting for us to split up and kill us" I laughed to myself quietly as i said that bill has no intention of killing us he's peacefull now although i don't know what he wants I'll ask him tonight.

"Yeah you're right I shouldn't go alone.... what if we all go together" He then suggests thats a worse idea

"Fine everyone get packing we leave tonight" I hear Grunkle stan say

"Hey Dipper hows your arm btw its been 3 weeks let me take a look" Mabel said 

"Its fine all healed no need to look at it" I say as my arms still behind my back 

She looks sad and lets it go and leaves to pack. stan also leaves as ford stays and looks at me I turn my head away and look at a wall.

"Are you sure you're okay Dipper?" He asks as he walks closer and reaches for my arm

"I'm fine Grunkle ford really" I say as I pull away he looks a bit sad but leaves to go pack 

I also pack, I pack some clothes, a first aid kit, all my knifes which are now a total of 34 (Yes Bill gave me more), a flashlight and some nutritious snacks. I put on a hoodie and go downstairs and see its lunch time I grab an apple breakfast and sit at the table looking through my journal and give some extra touches to certain creatures. Ford walks in and asks to take alook so i give him the book and he reads it with precision. "Wow Dipper this is really good some of these i havent even seen in the forest" I mumble a small thanks as Stan and Mabel walk in and Stan starts to make food /huh? is it already Dinner time/ I look outside and see the sun setting I guess it is. I realize I didn't tell Bill i was staying away for a few days. We eat and start to get ready Ford gives us all a gun and i notice he isnt wearing his normal coat I open my mouth to ask as he suddenly gives it to me.

"Last time you didn't have a jacket you can have mine i have a new one anyway" He said. I took it from him and put it on it fit me perfectly and I love it I always Looked up to him amd having his old jacket made me kinda happy. I go upstairs to grab my bag and i write a note to Bill An put a spell on it as it turned into a swan and flew out the window. I've been practicing Magic with Bill since lately and i've been doing really well he said. I go to walk downstairs as i see something appearing on my bed they were fingerless gloves with a note from bill 'Enjoy your trip with Sixer, Fez and Shooting star this should fit your new coat xxBill'I put on the gloves and see they're magic enhancers Bill said they would help in learning until i was strong enough he also said he needed to find some good ones that would fit me. I guess he found them huh. I walk downstairs and see everyone waiting for me and we leave the house into the woods. as they look for Bill I do everything in my power to make sure they don't find them.

(Sorry for the small Chapter I thought it would be a good ending for this chapter

If you have any notes please let me know

761 Words)

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