Chapter 4

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(Timeskip 2 Months later Ford POV)

Its been 2 months of bickering in between the 2 youngest twins. Mabel would yell at Dipper and ask where he was Dipper would be offended and Yell back that he was just in the woods early like every day but Mabel doesnt believe him. its sad really I believe Dipper really does go out every morning early he always comes back for lunch anyways so its not that big of a deal if he goes out a little early. "YOU'RE THE WORST BROTHER EVER!" I hear Mabel yell then it just turned quiet and i hear the front door close harshly. that can't be good. I walk into the living room where the fight was and see Mabel crying on the couch i sit next to her to comfort her "Maybe you shouldn't be so harsh to your brother he really cares about you, you know" "No he keeps lying to me and I wont talk to him normaly until he stops" I sigh "Mabel i dont think he's lying about going into the forest in the morning" "he is Grunkle Ford every night like clockwork i see him slip out his window and into the forest. first i thought he'd tell me but its been 2 Months and I dont know where he goes" This caught me off guard. Dippers been sneaking out at night without anyone but Mabel noticing for 2 months? i need to look into this "How about next time he does you come get me and we follow him just to see if he does something stupid" "Okay, Thanks Grunkle ford" If he really is just doing nothing dangerous it shouldn't be a problem. Right?

(Dipper Pov Right after he walked out)

I walked out the door and slam the door behind me. I do feel a bit guilty about not telling her about Bill but everyone will freak and i can't have that. Bills good now we dont need violance change that. I walk to the forest to a spot with beautifull flowers and sit in the middle of the field and start picking flowers and weaving them into flower crowns. i sit there for hours when I see the sun setting i get up and walk back to the shack having calmed down it hurt that Mabel would say those awfull things to me but I knew why she said it. I walk into the shack in time for dinner "Hey Kiddo, take a seat I'm almost done with dinner" Grunkle stan said to me I walk into the room and see Mabel and Ford at the table normally Ford eats in his lab while studying a creature but i guess he finished it early. I sit next to Ford and Stan walks in with our plates we eat while making little conversation between I dont talk to Mabel and she doesn't talk to me she won't even look at me after dinner i walk upstairs as Mabel and Stan stay downstairs and Ford goes into his lab. I walk to Mabels door and open it I place a flowercrown on her bed as i do everytime we get into a fight it had Pink and yellow flowers. then i walk into my room to wait for a few hours before I slip out my window and walk to Bills cabin.

(Fords POV)

Mabel walks into my room and I know what she wants I grab my bag i made moments before and my coat as we walk outside and into the woods. It took us a bit to find him but once we did we followed Dipper for hours as he walked seemingly aimless after about 3 hours theres a cabin and he walks up to it knocking on the door. Imidiatly the door swings open and reveals a Blond kid about 20 years old with a big grin on his face He looks at Dipper and gives him a big hug as he drags him inside laughing. we walk close to the cabin and look trough a window that showed the living room. they saw Dipper and the kid talking like they were old friends and they start playing games and goofing around for a few hours when suddenly the kid sits straight and looks seriously at dipper as he whispers something in his ear. Dipper nods and they walk out of the house into the forest as we follow them.

(Bills POV)

I was just having fun with My Pinetree as I hear something and realize Sixer and Shooting Star are here. "Pinetree, Your sister and uncle are here" I whisper to him. he nods and goes to grab his coat as i grab mine we already had a plan if they would follow him. Dipper said i needed a fake name and we decided on the name 'James' as it was still a good name. i had to call him Dipper or Dip or anything like that. we walk into the forest leading them far away from the cabin and confusing them along the way at first it was hard to switch names but after a bit it rolled of the tongue. we visit the gnomes and multi bear and capture some creatures sixer never caught to annoy him. when the sun begin to rise and i see pinetree yawning like crazy I say "Come on Dip time to sleep you can continue later" "No James i need to go home" "You say that every night come on you look like the undead" I snicker as i pick him up and throw him over my shoulder "Hey. no fair" He said as he made no real struggle to get out of my grip. i use some of my magic to confuse Sixer and Star to get back to the cabin without them following and put dipper in bed as i change to join him. and just like everyday we get up near noon and dipper leaves with a promise he'll be back tonight.

(If you have any notes please let me know

1022 words)

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