Day 3: Cold Flu and Allergies

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(This is part is some things that happened in my life)

Elsa: hi (sneezes)
Anna: bless you
Elsa: thank you (congested)
Brit: elsa, are you ok?
Elsa: I don't know
Kristoff: I think you are sick but with what exactly?
Brit: come here
(Elsa walks over and Brit feels her forehead)
Brit: you feel warm, I think you are sick. But with what?- thinking for a moment. Ok, Elsa tell me how you feel.
Elsa: I feel chills, weak, I am sweating a little, and my tummy is rocking like a boat in the roughest sea ever.
Olaf: (runs in the room and into Elsa's tummy and she throws up all over Olaf)
Elsa: oh good god! I am so sorry Olaf!!
Olaf: EWWWW!!!! It's ok Elsa
Anna: Elsa, you have the flu
Elsa: your right (she walks to her room to rest)
2 hours later
Anna: (sneezes)
Kristoff: Anna, don't tell me your sick too?
Anna: too late I think I have a cold
Kristoff: ok, off to bed Anna
1 hour later
( brit takes care of Anna and Elsa and beings what she thought was tropical punch but it was fruit punch and Brit is allergic *I am allergic to fruit punch in real life and this is what happens after I drink it*)
Elsa: Brit, do you want some?
Brit: sure, I love this stuff!
( she takes a ship)
Anna: thank you for taking care of us!
Brit: your welcome
3 hours later
Brit: good god! I feel terrible!
Olaf: what's wrong?
Brit: I feel sick but not like Anna and Elsa
Kristoff: ok then what wrong and how do you feel?
Brit: I have a headache and my tummy feels like Elsa's tummy but I don't feel like this unless I drink fruit punch because I am allergic to it
(Then she throws up on Olaf and it red and she knows she drank fruit punch)
Olaf: Oh come on!!
Brit: sorry Olaf
Olaf: it's ok (under his breath " I guess")
(The girls got sick and the only people who didn't get sick was kristoff and Olaf but Olaf is not human so he can't get sick)

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