Day 25: Allegiant

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I'm reading Allegiant and I got to a sad part and I'm kinda pissed off about it so Brit is too
Anna: Elsa, does Brit seem mad today?
Elsa: yeah but why?

Brit walks in and hears them talking

Brit: I'll tell you why
Anna: ok why
Brit: I was in my Writing Lab class and I was reading my Allegiant book and I got to a sad part
Elsa: what happened?
Brit: I found out that Tobias isn't Divergent
Anna: what?
Brit: he isn't Divergent!
Elsa: wow Brit, you are really into this book
Brit: I am and I'm just mad that he isn't like Tris anymore like that
Anna: Brit, I know you're upset but why is this a big deal to you?
Brit: because! I really like this book it's just a big deal to me
Elsa: I understand that Brit
Brit: yeah anyway did you guys hear One Direction's new song "Infinity"?
Anna: Oh my god yes!
Elsa: yeah!
Brit: oh my god it reminds me of "Story of my Life"
Elsa: yeah?
Brit: yeah and I the first time i heard it I saw the video and I almost cried
Anna: I would!
Brit: I was in 6th grade and I was in Homework Study when I heard it!
Elsa: you almost cried in front of the class?!
Brit: yeah it was only the class
Anna: anyway the book
Brit: oh yeah it's pretty good so far
Elsa: I have to read that one day
Anna: me too
Brit: as soon as I finish my Allegiant book one of you can read it
Anna: awesome
Elsa: yeah
Brit: good

I know it was random but good and trust me the next one will be longer and better so until then Keep Calm and Read On

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