The Memory is back

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(Their is a picture of my dolly-dollies up at the top)
Anna: yay!
Elsa: what are you so happy about?
Anna: look at the TITLE!!
Elsa: awesome Hans memory is coming back
Anna: but when
Brit: today (with a smile on her face and a ice tea in her hand)
Both: how?
Brit: you'll see (and takes a sip of her Ice Tea)
Hans: I love minecraft and Britney!
Jack Frost: (who came to ask Elsa something but also came to help) hi
Hans: who are you?
Jack: Jack Frost
Hans: ok... Hey do you want to play minecraft with me?
Jack: noooo
Hans: Awww!!
Jack: away I came to help you
Hans: why
Jack: just get ready
Hans: why
(Jack takes his staff and hits Hans on the head as hard as he can just as Brit, Elsa, and Anna came in)
Elsa: Jack Frost what are you doing?
Jack: helping you
Brit: how?
Jack: I was giving Hans his memory back
Anna: well, you made him black out
Brit: exactly that happens sometimes when you get your memory back
Anna: really
Brit: yup
Hans: uhhhh
Elsa: what now?
Jack: put him in his bed
Hans: NO!!!! I'm ok! (He saids with a crazy smile)
Brit: I think he has his memory back but he went crazy but I think he'll be back to normal in 48 hours
All but Brit: uhhhh!!!! (Then Brit's phone goes off)
Brit: oh boy...
Anna: what?
Brit: my aunt Britney needs me to watch Aria and Nolan overnight today while her and my uncle has a party and theirs no kids allowed
Elsa: well, what now?
Brit: well, I have to watch my cousins and keep them safe from crazy Hans (Just then a portal opened and Aria and Nolan fell out)
Aria: hi Brit!
Nolan: ggaaallll!
Brit: hi guys
Hans: I'm Sven
Aria: is he ok?
Elsa: nope he went a little crazy
Aria: ok, come on let's play!
All but Aria and Hans: yeah
(2 hours later)
Hans: hi Nolan
Nolan: AAHH
Hans: come with me (he picks up Nolan and takes him bathroom)
Nolan: uhhhh
Hans: oh no! (He dropped Nolan in the toilet and Nolan gets toilet paper on himself and looks like a wet baby wizard with a paper beard, a paper dress, paper hat, and a tube as a wand)
Hans: you look like funny! I have to show brit! (He goes to show brit)
Brit: were's Nolan?
Kristoff: I don't know
Hans: hi Brit!
Brit: hi, have you seen Nolan?
Hans: no but look at wizard Nolan (he holds up wet wizard Nolan)
Brit: (laughing) oh my god! What did you do with Nolan?
Aria: (giggling) yeah
Hans: I dropped him in the toilet
Anna: is he ok?
Hans: yeah
Elsa: give me Nolan (she takes Nolan from crazy Hans)
Kristoff: Aria, it's time for bed
Aria: ok
(The next morning)
Hans: hi guys
Brit: are you ok?
Hans: yeah, why wouldn't I be?
Anna: yay! Hans is back!

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