It starts

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Brit: i swear Hans I feel like something bad will happen today
Hans: brit, nothing bad will happen it's just a perfect day
Olaf: what are you talking about?
Hans: brit thinks something bad will happen
All but Hans and Brit: Brit, you feel it too?!
Brit: I'm talking a... Wait, you feel it too?!
Elsa: yeah
Anna: Hans, how come you don't feel it?
Hans: I don't know.... Well, I'm going to play minecraft (he walks away)
Olaf: OH!
Kristoff: what is it?
Olaf: I know why Hans doesn't feel it
Kristoff: why?
Olaf: because Hans is bad and bad people don't feel the something bad will happen feeling
All but Olaf: ohhh!
Elsa: so a villain is going to do something bad
Brit: I think so but who is going to do it?
Villain: (looking through a TV that can see anywhere) looks like the girl figured out part of this but not a enough to know who I am
Minion: you right but the girl looks pretty smart and she will figure out you are sooner or later
Villain: you got me there but I will make sure she doesn't tell anyone when she does figure out who I am
Minion: what's your plan?
Other minion: oh yello!
Villain: shut up Dave! I will tell later but I better warn the others about the girl
Minion: you are a good leader but how many people are there again?
Villain: 3
(back to Brit)
Elsa: how do you think it is?
Brit: I don't know but I'm going to take a nap
Anna: see you later
(Brit's dream)
Random person: Brit, I know how the villain and there are more than one villain
Brit: how many are there?
Random person: counting the leader their are 4 villains
Brit: who are they?
Random person: Maleficent from Sleeping beauty, Elsa's non existing evil twin Edith, Hans from Frozen, and...
Brit: I know Hans
Random person: ok now the leader is... (The leader wakes up Brit but puts a sack over her head before she opens her eyes)
(Out of Brit's dream)
Villain: hurry! Put the sack over her head so she can't see!
Minion: I'm going as fast as I can! Ok it's on!
Dave: ahhhh!
Minion: shhhh!
Dave: sorry
Villain: now Dave put the note on the night table so when they figure out she is gone they know I out her (the villain's phone rings and it Maleficent, Edith, and Hans)
V: what?
M: do you have her?
H: hey, her name is Brit!
M: ok! Do you have Brit? (Hans gives her a thumbs up)
V: I do
E: good but does she have the pen?
Mi: what's the pen?
H: the pen will help the leader take over the world
Mi: ok now I get it! now I will look for it!
H: good
V: minion, does she have it?
Mi: it's not in her pockets but their is one more place to look
V: just look!!
Mi: ok (he puts his hand down her shirt and finds the pen)
Brit: get your hand out of my breasts!
Mi: hey, I don't like it as much as you do!
V: just give me the pen!
Mi: ok
V: good
(Just to tell you minion is a very cute 15 year old boy named Zack but he doesn't tell his name until later)
E: we will see you back at the hide out
V: ok (the villain hangs up) now to the hide out!

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