Day 14: Portal Mess Up

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Brit: (bump...bump...bump...bump) what?
Elsa: Brit, I think something is wrong with the portal!
All but Elsa: yeah!
Brit: what are you talking about?
Anna: look at the portal!
Brit: (she looks at the portal and sees flashing red) OH NO!!
(They all come in and they all are sucked in and go to reality and landed in New York in Central Park and out of their pjs wearing tee shirts and jeans)
Brit: oh dear god!
Anna: were are we?
Kristoff: yeah... Were are we?
Brit: reality
Olaf: what's reality?
Brit: a place were there is no magic, were snowmen don't come to life, and everything else in our universe is not real in this place
Anna: NO!!!!!! (Cry's into kristoff)
Elsa: Anna, calm down we have other problems
Anna: (still crying a little) like what?
Kristoff: like...
Olaf: HELP ME!!!! I'M MELTING!!!!
Kristoff: that...
Brit/Anna: OLAF!!!! (Anna cry's harder)
Hans: Elsa! Do something!
Brit: she can't because magic isn't real here and Olaf will just melt
Elsa: don't worry Olaf we'll help just not now but we'll do something for you
Olaf: ok, bye for now! (He turns into a puddle)
Hans: what now?
Anna: let's walk the free way until we get hit by a car
Kristoff: no, Anna calm down
Anna: I can't not until Olaf is back
Brit: ok... But yeah let's walk the free way for help
Elsa: whoa...
Brit: whoa what?
Elsa: look
(They all see Anna, Elsa, 2 twins girls, a girl, and 4 boys)
Anna: why do I see myself?
Brit: that's your reality selfs who live in reality
Anna/Elsa: whoa...
Hans: maybe they can help us
Brit: maybe... But let me talk to them (she walks up to them and tells them their problem and surprisingly they are willing to help)
Brit: they are with...
Anna/Elsa from reality: oh my god! Your me!!
Anna from Arendelle: yeah...
One of the twins: what they mean is you two look exactly the same as them
Brit: what are your names?
One of the twins: I'm Melody and my twin is Jenna and this is my sister Emily and my step sisters Elsa and Anna. And my brothers James, Michael, Eric, and baby Nolan.
Kristoff: ok but can you help us out?
Melody: sure but I'm a little confused on this story
Jenna: yeah, what happened?

(Quick note the Elsa and Anna from reality will have "R" by their names standing for Elsa or Anna from reality and Elsa and Anna from Arendelle will just be Elsa or Anna)

Brit: well, we were all asleep and they heard a "bump...bump...bump" noise from the portal in my room and it was flashing red and they all came on and we were sucked into reality
Elsa r: ok, I get it
Anna r: me too
Hans: good
Eric: were's Olaf? (Anna starts crying again)
Brit: there (she points to a puddle of Olaf)
Melody: I think I can help with that (she gets a cup and puts Olaf in it) here, at least your have Olaf with you now
Anna: thank you (she takes the cup)
Jenna: come on, we can take you to our place
Elsa r: come with us!
Elsa: (whispers) they are nice
Brit: yeah
(At place in New York)
Michael: we can make a portal to get you home
Hans: really?
Emily: yeah, we googled it and it's pretty easy
Eric: but it will take a good 4 hours
Kristoff: well, we have time
Anna r: good
Baby Nolan: AAHH!!!!
Melody: I'll check on Nolan
(5 minutes later)
Melody: I'm back (with Nolan)
Elsa: Awww!!
Melody: (giggles) you really like babies don't you?
Elsa: I love them!
Jenna: well, can you watch him while we work on the portal?
Anna/Elsa: sure!!!!
Jenna: ok... (She hands Nolan to them)
Anna: (baby talk) hi Nolan!
Elsa: (baby talk) you are a big boy!
Brit: it's hot in here (takes off her jacket and her shirt saids "If you tickle I'm not responsible for your injuries") oh dear god!
Baby Nolan: (giggles)
Brit: cute but shirt is stupid
Melody: actually my friend Melanie had that same shirt (melody's phone rings)
Melanie: Melody, I'm missing my shirt that says " If you tickle me I'm not responsible for your injuries"
Melody: haven't seen it! Bye! (Hangs up)
Elsa r: come on! Let's get to work!
Eric: ok
(2 hours later)
Elsa: I can't stay awake anymore!
All but elsa: me too!
Baby Nolan: uhhhh...
Emily: you girls can sleep in my room
James: and one of you can sleep in my room but their is a bed
Hans: rock paper sissers shot
Kristoff: ok
(123 ties later)
Kristoff: I win!
Hans: well, race ya for it (runs into the room and locks it)
Kristoff: not fair! But you'll have to pee sometime and when you do I'll steal my prize back!!
Hans: well ha! I got 5 bottles!
All the girls: EWWW!! GROSS!!
James: I have peed in a bottle before
Brit: James, first I'm sorry for them and second 3 words Too Much Information
James: it's ok and sorry
Brit: it's ok
(2 hours later)
Melody: ok, we're finally done
Elsa r: come on let's go wake them up
(They wake them up and they wake up and go home)
Elsa: I'm going to bed
All but Elsa: yeah
Anna: wait! Elsa remember Olaf?
Elsa: oh right (she takes the cup of Olaf and makes him into a snowman again)
Olaf: yay! I'm back! Now I'm going to sleep! Goodnight!

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