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If you read my last A/N then you know what I'm doing here.


Anna: Brit, I know you're very upset and you have every thing to be but please calm down.

Brit: -Looks at Anna and makes a face- How the hell can I calm down when that b*tch took my phone?!

Hans: Dear god, help us! -Hans whispers to God-

Olaf: Brit, it'll be ok.

Brit: NO! It won't be ok! My best friend took my phone and she didn't even care about how upset I was!!!

Olaf: -Doesn't say anything-

Brit: She was a b*tch and she always was one!!!! All she wanted was my phone and she didn't want to be my friend!!!

Elsa: Brit, wait a second!

Brit: What? -Very annoyed-

Elsa: Elizabeth was your friend even before you had the phone! Doesn't that say anything about that she really was your friend?

Brit: If she was my friend then why did she take it!? Tell me that!!! -Brit starts to cry- Why the hell did I trust her? -Her legs collapse, she lies on the floor, doesn't move, and keeps crying-

Elsa: Let's leave her alone. -They all walk away expect Anna-

Anna: -She lies on the floor and talks to Brit- Sweetie, it'll be ok, I promise.

Brit: I feel betrayed, used, and heartbroken.

Anna: I know you feel that but sweetie, who wouldn't?

Brit: I thought she was my best friend. -She cry's harder thinking about how great friend's her and Elizabeth were- I don't know if I hate her or I don't know .

Anna: Sweetie, you don't hate her. You're just upset about what she did and I know that you still want to be friends with her, it's just going to take sometime.

Brit: I just want to sleep and never wake up. -She closes her eyes and try's to go to sleep-

Anna: (Thinking: This is so heartbreaking! Why did this have to happen to Brit?!) Sweetie, please open your eyes and look at me.

Brit: I'm listening. -She opens one eye-

Anna: You two will be best friends again, I know it! For right now, it'll take some trust, an apology, and some willpower to be best friends again.

Brit: Someone shoot me.

Anna: Just go to sleep and I'll wake you up when I know what to say.

Brit: -She nods and falls sleep in two seconds-

Elsa and Olaf walk in.

Elsa: How is she now?

Anna: She feels betrayed, used, and heartbroken.

Olaf: It didn't work?

Anna: No.

Elsa: She looks so broken! -Brit's eyes are red, she looks like she's having a nightmare, and she's crying in her sleep-

Olaf: Yeah.

Brit: -She's talking in her sleep- Elizabeth, why did you take my phone? Is it because all you wanted was my phone or you didn't want to be my friend.

Elsa: Wake her up!! -No one can listen to this anymore-

Brit: -She wakes up- Please just shoot me.

Elsa: -She hugs Brit- Brit, it'll be ok! Elizabeth is still a good person but I don't know what made her do this so just remember the good times with her before the phone thing.

Brit: -Thinks for a second- Ok. Ok, that's what I'll do.

Elsa: Good.

The next day.

Brit: -She's a lot better than yesterday- Hey guys! -She's a lot happier too-

Hans: Oh god, you're better! -He yells that out loud-

Brit: Haha idiot.

My mom went to my school today and she told people who did it, they were very shocked. Elizabeth actually lied to the truant officer went he confronted her also Elizabeth doesn't even live in the district! She lives in Hackensack! Their going to let her finish the school year if she gives back my phone. My mom told me to play dumb with her since she played dumb with me.

Keep Calm and Read On

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