My mom won tickets on the radio to see something I really want to see! Enjoy!
~~~~~~~~~~Brit is screaming at the top of her lungs when she runs though the portal, does a cartwheel but fails, and crashes into a table.
Elsa: Brit! Are you ok?!
Anna: Yeah and why the cartwheel?!
Hans: You gone crazy!
Kristoff: Is there a good reason for it?
Olaf: Are you hurt?
Brit: Guys, I'm fine I'm just insanely excited. -Before anyone can ask questions Star, Marco, and Erica come running because they could hear Brit from their dimensions-
Star: What in Mewni happened?!
Marco: Yeah! Did someone die?!
Erica: Just happened?!
Kristoff: It was Brit.
Marco: Details.
Kristoff: She ran in though the portal screaming at the top of her lungs, did a cartwheel but failed, and crashed into a table.
Erica: Are you ok?
Brit: I'm fine.
Elsa: Anyway, why are you insanely excited?
Brit: Because my aunt Britney won tickets on the radio to see my favorite baseball team the Orioles.
Olaf : That's so cool!
Anna: Wait, that's your favorite team?
Hans: I thought you liked the Yankees.
Brit: No.
Marco: That's a Maryland team.
Star: Why do you like a Maryland team?
Brit: My uncle and cousin Cassie live in Maryland and we went to a baseball game and after going a couple times I liked the team.
Kristoff: Do you have a jersey?
Brit: Yeah I have two but I wore the first one to death and I got the newest one for my 14th birthday. I also have a hat that I got for my 15th birthday.
Elsa: That's really cool!
Brit: Yeah and the game is tomorrow!
Olaf: That's cool.
Brit: Can't wait.
I love the Orioles! My favorite player is Chris Davis. The game is at 1:05 pm and I can't wait! Keep Calm and Read On