Bye Chloe

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Brit: just to ask how long until you leave?
Chloe: soon but can I hangout with you until I leave?
Anna: sure
Olaf: so what do you want to do first?
Chloe: well, I'm... (Cut off by Elsa)
Elsa: Anna, Brit, Olaf can you come here quick?
Anna: sure! Chloe we'll be back so stay here
Chloe: ok
(5 minutes later)
Brit: Chloe!
shhhh! Look she is sleeping
Anna: I think she was tried
Brit: yeah
Olaf: well, let's watch TV and when she wakes up we can do something
Both: ok (Brit carelys her to the couch and 25 minutes later Chloe wakes up)
Chloe: what happened?
Anna: you took a nap
Chloe: ok, so what now?
Brit: I don't know
Olaf: how about we watch Full House
Anna: ok, I'll watch that
Chloe: YAAYYY!!!!
(1 hour later)
Chloe: bye guys, I have to go
All: bye Chloe
Chloe: bye Olaf, Bye Brit, (with her voice cracking up) bye Anna (who started crying hard) I don't want to go!!
Brit: come here Chloe (she gives Chloe a hug) it's ok Chloe
Chloe: no, it isn't when I leave I can't come back!
Anna: well, don't worry but wait can ghosts look down at us?
Chloe: yeah
Anna: so you can look down it us but don't be upset if we don't wave hi ok?
Chloe: (who stopped crying) ok
Olaf/Brit: bye Chloe
Chloe: bye (and like that she disappeared)
Brit: I miss her already
Both: me too
Brit: but let's get on with our lives
Both: yeah

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