Don't Check On Me

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Chris POV

I enter the penthouse and it's quiet. Like, dead silence. Is 6 o'clock in the evening, normally this place would be lively, but it's just nothing. Which makes me sigh thinking about yesterday and how impulsive I was. Regardless of the situation and how I felt about it, I should've reacted better. I shouldn't have done that. I honestly thought I had grown, well I know I have, I just have to apply the tools that I was taught. It's like when I did it, I knew it was wrong, but I disregarded it because of the actions she did. I wasn't in control of myself. I really had given her that power over me, and I guess that was my way of taking it back. I was wrong. Either way, I need to learn how to handle those situations differently. I have a daughter now, and I can't have her thinking it's okay for anyone to put their hands on her.

I walk around the corner into the kitchen, and see the engagement ring still sitting on the kitchen table, and my eyes instantly water.

I take a deep breath suppressing my emotions. I walk over and pick the ring up off of the table, before turning around and walking up the stairs to eventually take a shower and change out of these clothes.

I open the door to the bedroom, and I immediately notice that Genesis' crib is gone. My face hardens as my mind drifts to him holding and talking to my daughter, acting like she's his. I can't allow that.

I walk over to the closet and I see that all of her clothes in closet is gone. She really left me. I then look down at the ring in my hand. I let out a harsh breath as I sat the ring on the dresser.

I grab my phone that I left behind when I got arrested yesterday. I check and see that I have a bunch of missed calls and almost 100 text messages. I see that some of the calls are from my mom, my lawyer, my publicist, my manager and a few friends. I'll respond to them after I take a shower.

As I'm putting my phone back down on the nightstand, it vibrates in my hand. I look at it, and it's another TMZ article. I read the title and it says Drake makes it OFFICIAL official I click on the notification, and I scroll down the article to get to his post.



champagnepapi The beautiful future Mrs

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champagnepapi The beautiful future Mrs. Graham ❤️

"Mrs. Graham?" I scoff. Is he serious? They are just out here being disrespectful.

She's really out here taking pictures like this, then letting him post it. I don't know why I'm mad, she's not my girl anymore. If he wants everyone to see her like that, then that's on him and if she wants to be seen like that, that's on her.

I know he is doing this shit to try and get to me. He wants me to react, but I'm not. I'm not gonna give him what he wants. But fuck her for going along with this shit.

I unfollow her on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and turn off my Google alerts, so I won't get any notifications about her. I know that's gonna be another whole TMZ article, me unfollowing her on everything. These people need lives. But I have to protect my mental, because I'll act a whole fucking fool. I just have to remember that she's not my fiancé anymore, she belongs to him now.

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