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Just my small apologies for being gone for so so long, with the COVID - 19, applying to colleges, my experience with part time jobs and deciding not to start one yet, life changes and moving just to name a few events these past months I've been physically and mentally drained and socially dry. :l

Thanks for the ongoing, love, support, feedback and the wonderful comments  I love seeing. 

TIme to get back into one of my favorite hobbies writing!!! <3 (Crowd goes wild haha) :D

I'll write a few based on prompts, try out contests and some original work it's mostly for practicing and please comment, vote and add this to your reading list if it isn't already on there.

Also do you guys want a name as my followers ?? ( I prefer the term online friends tbh)

Let me know in the comments, I'll upload something new soon. OH !!!! Mini announcements : I'll update you on my graphic novel basically about a university student, who takes on the identitiy as a famous film director who was suddenly ill. I'm planning it and I'll share the synopsis someday. I have lots of podcast ideas I just need a good upload routine and some practice but once I do post on Anchor for my uplifting podcast called "Serendipity Podcast" I'll notify you when I am ready.

Cheers, stay safe as I'm at home since someone I am related to got in contact with a person with covid and so we both are doing school virtually, my covid test is scheduled this Saturday.

Honestly it's pretty rough out there in the world so please spread joy, love , do what makes you feel amazing and get the vaccine PLEASE! I need to get my 2 vaccine doses and though I strongly beleive it should be a choice as a human I think it will help us all get over this pandemic once and for all so be considerate friends. Love you to the moon and back! Wish, I came up with that it's so erethal and pretty, huh?

Anyways, toodles as per usual. Comment your thoughts, hobbies , fun facts, and writing projects I am really looking forward to chatting and hearing about YOU! My loyal friends.

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