Prompts to Inspire You

13 2 6

( If you want to try doing one every day for 5, 10, or 15 minutes you can or feel free to try these whenever you want ideas for writing)

I'd love to know your ideas or how you'd approach these prompts in the comments or share what your work in proogress ( WIP ) is at the moment.

Question for Today : Are you good with word counts? 

Usually I'm not too good with them I tend to go over the word count without realizing and then having to cut out some of what I've written. 

[ Inspiration from various online sources ] Word count for any of these are up to you

Please vote if you're interested in writing prompts :D


Day 1  A story with no dialogue

Day 2  A story incorparating the colour red

Day 3  One sentence that tells a story

Day 4  A surprize gone wrong

Day 5  An un opened letter

Day 6  Something scary

Day 7  Something funny

Day 8  A story of only dialogue ( Could be in any format like letter, text messages or by letter) 

Day 9  3 sides to the same story

Day 10  Write a story in a series of blog posts, updates, voice notes, memos or social media posts

Day 11  A group of friends steal something from a neighbour and blame it on somebody else

Day 12   Some sibings win a raffle and go from living middle class to being very wealthy but                             what do they do with it and what problems go along with having lots of money 

Day 13   Magical drinks cause different people to feel a variety of emotions depending on the                           beverage, in result of this a spy is seceretly sent  to report and document how these                           drinks are changing customers moods. But the spy ends up liking the magical drink                           maker and gets distracted. ( Could be a love interest or as a friend, the story can be dual                   perspective, from the POV of the drink maker or the POV of the spy, it's up to you)

Day 14   Someone is easedropping on a conversation, will the get caught? and how do they feel                     after hearing this information?

Day 15    The twinkle of stars or night time activities

Day 16    Somebody holding hands ( How do they feel? and why are they holding hands?)

Day 17   Someone shinks to the size of a doll, why? Write about how they turn into a plastic Barbie and what they do 

Day 18   Somebody relying on odd jobs to pay for their lifestyle

Day 19   Ex friends do different pranks and challenge each other. If either doesn't do the challenge a secret they have gets spilled. On top of that the stakes are high when both girls realise they like the same guy and try to have one on one time with him without the other ex friend knowing. 

Day 20   Someone gets a note and is told to meet up with someone who's name seems familiar                       but you don't know why. They curiously go to the arcade nearby their  house after                               walking and begin to walk back after not seeing anyone until a dark dressed figure                             pushes this person into a video game.

Enjoy! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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