The Girl who played Tchaikovsky

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This girl was a brilliant one. 

She had hair like a crushed rose that curled in the rain

As she ran inside of her small comfortable living room.

She dragged the musical sheets onto the black piano, ready to play the piece she had practiced for months without a single break. She even had skipped dinner hoping to perfect her tempo and to learn better phasing. 

She played one of her favourite pieces, Tchaikovsky, The Sugar Plum Fairy ( 3rd movement in The Nutcracker Pas De Deux) 

Her faint smile appeared each time her fingers glided on the keys, practically weightless.

When the song slowed to an allegro, her hands escaped the keyboard and let the sound vibrate in her ears like the sweetest honey.

The tune she played always remembered her mothers soothing soprano voice humming the song before bed and right before kissing her goodnight.

This is a short story book is probably going to be 30 chapters, I'm not sure yet. I will do my best continuing these short stories with prompts or contest themes. 

Also, Do you have a prompt you want me to use or writhe about let me know. Leave a comment and don't forget to tap that 🌟 star to vote. If you're eager for what's next to add this to your Library or your Reading List, this way you won't miss my updated chapters.

Who is your favourite composer? I would tie between Tchaikovsky or Beethoven. 

Thank you for the support  Bella Babes! 💖 💞

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