Ice cream or crime scene?

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"It's either going out for ice cream or I'll commit a heinous crime. " #Aimtoengage2019


I saw him walking down the street, my heart skipping a beat, finding it hard to breathe. When I saw his beach wave hair pulled back, and his arm around another girl I screamed internally.


This wasn't supposed to happen. At least not to me, not on my 17th  birthday. I swear on my life I've been a good girl, helped my community, stayed away from drama and listened to my elders. But, tonight was far from my plan and expectations. My birthday was supposed to make me the happiest girl alive.

Instead, I felt cheated on a good moment and my heart shattered at the thoughts of Romeo. He was my second kiss, and boy did he make me sing like an angel. He was my first boyfriend, so it was the hardest feeling to recover from.

My dream birthday would be having all my friends over, dancing the night away, opening gifts and thanking family members for coming. Then, just my best friends would join me for the latest movie in theatres and we would eat our height in un-healthy movie popcorn from cardboard. 

I ran home hoping my ex and his curvy, beautiful, Gigi Hadid lover wouldn't recognize me. I wore a teal blouse, which was more of a light blue,  dark Jean shorts with my Nike sneakers and curled hair, tossed into a top knot bun. 

In my Disney wallpaper room, I bolted to my warm soothing double bed and cried fountains, I overflowed with tears and my heartache grew immensely.  The pain felt like inflating, like all of my air, emotions and pain slowly would seep out, my body wrinkling like a balloon at Party City. 

Three things made me feel stupid and discouraged that afternoon.

1. My boyfriend, I mean, ex-boyfriend promised to have a passion-filled moment with me, If you understand. But, to my dismay, he didn't and I missed out on a wonderful evening.

2 My family from abroad had a cruise trip, and most of them did not attend my party. Not to be bratty or ungrateful, but I got only 10 gifts, much less than last time.


My 'stepbrother' Lawson moved in a month ago with his Dad, who I call Charlie. My Stepbrother also openly admitted his 'love and care for me', to which I had a laughing fit over. 

He was sweet, mild in the cute department, and very geeky about historical figures, but had a big un-attractive nose. Mostly, he's sorta family now, as Mom expressed to me, so it's definitely awkward if he got all extra considerate. 

This is why only children rule, they don't need to constantly be social at home.

I've known for a while now that my Mom quit her Editorial career and does Graphic designing, for these cartoons in the UK and France. I could tell it was my Stepdad Charlie's influence since Mom hasn't handled a paintbrush since junior year of high school. 

She's still an amateur at best, no Picasso in our midst yet. 

If I was being teased by my new 'stepbrother' it would be deemed every level of insanity.

 Mom would freak out and probably kick both of us out if the house.

At least I'd hope she would.

My phone rang, interrupting my thoughts of the cartoon superhero Mom drew on her sketching tablet last night. Let's just say it's not advanced enough to get it's own Netflix show or be premiered on Hulu. 

The ringtone of an upbeat modern jazz song loudly plays.


              "TAYJ!!!" Whitney called to me loudly. I heard a loud buzz and little conversations, from wherever Whitney was calling me from, probably getting popcorn for the movie theatre.

I knew I'd made a huge mistake and should apologize to her for bailing on my birthday gift, but I just couldn't find it in me.

"Stop yelling it's 10 a.m on a Thursday afternoon!"  I argued rubbing my swollen blue eyes.

Whitney threatened to drag my butt over to the movies to see Little Dancer. I explained what happened with my ex, his new girlfriend and my sorry butt that ditched her friends at the movies and was a sobbing, dishevelled mess.

She listened through my salty tears, choked up words, blabber and mumbling. That's why Whitney Cress and I are best friends, she understood me and acted as if my own issues were hers. She helped cheer me up and sometimes dealt out hard love.

Today was one of those times.

"Girl, c'mon and watch M- rated scenes on the movie screen with me!" She whined with excitement for the movie she'd been so pumped to watch.

"Plus, downstairs you're Romeo isn't all that mighty." She advised.

"Whit!!" I gasped in horror at the thought of him, his smirk, dirty blonde hair and bold personality around me and my friends, that made all females turn their eyes to him like some boy magnet. 

I got tingling just imagining him in a romantic way, so I shook the thought away from my mind.

 I could hear her annoyed sigh knowing I could do better than him, and move on from my current heartache that pounded madly, still in love with the horrendous jerk that left me.

Why would my dear heart betray me like this?

Don't I get a right to skip out on girls night after a heartbreak? 

There must be some rule about it.

              "Are you coming? We're going to buy the tickets and share M&M packages."

I grin a little, wondering why Whitney was always so careful with saving money.

"Nah, enjoy your love triangles, horrible acting and shirtless boys." I rolled my eyes and shuffled off my bed. I snatch the grey pullover from my closet, I yanked it on, and spoke into my cellphone, walking down our wooden staircase.

"I'm getting Baskin Robbins Mint Icecream. " I declare stepping out my front door, locking it then walking across my street to the opposite side.

"Tayj, we both know you are allergic to ice cream." Whitney lectures sounding exactly like my Mom would.

"Yeah, Yeah." I wave her off and hang up. 

Knowing Whitney, as the leader of our group, she'll convince all of our friends from school to leave the theatre and head over to Baskin Robbins, in order to stop me from digging into the mouth-watering, icy treat my lips craved.

I sigh thinking about how much I love my friends, and how utterly painful my heart had seemed to feel in my chest. 💞


Thanks for reading! Note: I do not recommend that you crave sex or jerks. This is fiction and I hope you found it funny. I do not believe this to be very healthy for a relationship. Please do not cheat on anyone, and do not feel like you HAVE to agree to sex. If you don't want to or you aren't ready, talk about it.

Please vote, comment, share and keep this book in your Reading List that way you never miss my updated chapter. 💕😁

Thanks again Bella Babes 💛💛💛

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