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Having an illegal bookcase in the family, and having to guard it? Not that simple when there's data chips, security guards and information implants at the tap of a remote. When paper and reading are deemed illegal, what does a young Indian girl with a passion to be herself, read more and have a bright future do?? What will she think when a relative tells her she's the next bookkeeper? With a new law given by the dystopian rulers, how will she follow this rule that's against her beliefs and dreams?


Peoples's names are on glass balls. One drops and breaks, soon a human appears out of the glass shards, and you have to teach them how to act normally. the main character's eyes change colours based on your mood. Her name is Lila and she doesn't know, she's a firefly girl. 


An Irremovable necklace is magically placed onto a society, This one poor girl, in particular, has a bracelet with her name on it. Any attempt to remove it has failed. One day it just slips off and falls. But why?


A barista drinks are magical but only if she serves it happy. These drinks become solutions.
Medicine helps heal any scar or broken bone, energy drinks increase your speed. Health weight loss drinks help you become slim and lose weight.


A young adult is trapped in a dream world but then he realizes, the real world is in danger when she awakes. 

Just some book Ideas I've had floating in my mind. Let me know what summary seems most exciting to read. Vote, comment and share this book, please let me know your thoughts.

- Kisses Bella Babes <3

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