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A girl has the same dream again and again. The same brown eyes and warm smile that never fail to make her heart beat faster. She's sure she knows him but who is he?

#Aimtoengage2019 (Note: This is purely for fun and I will not be entering it in the contest. Maybe, I'll enter another short story for the Aim to Engage competition.😄 )


His oak brown pupil's boreholes in the back of my head, I would tell he was nearby because he smelled like a sweet metallic scent. His face rounded and brown, messy curls falling in his face.

The mysterious boy looks my way and walks to face me. His eyes widen with fear as we run away getting deeper and deeper into the darkness ahead.

I scream when he takes my hand and leads me to a forest, it's no thanks you're regular forest because the trees are much taller than in reality, they sparkle and fizz as if they were fireworks in the dead of night.

I didn't realize it before but I'm in clothes I know can't possibly belong to me. The beige trench coat and ankle boots I'm wearing while I run from something or someone looks straight out of a Katy Perry Music Video. 

My lungs are gasping for air, I had to slow down in order for my heart to hear normally.

The boy abruptly halted leaving me to bump into his hard back.

Looking down is never a good thing to do, now I know why.

We both face the end of the line, a huge cliff with a furious blue sea. 

I step back holding unto the boy's firm grip when he says something I don't expect him to.

" Coral, trust me it's time to jump." His gaze never leaving mine, both of us are sweating and our hearts beat in sync.

My tears roll down my face like waterworks, they drain down my cheeks.

The boy I can't remember gives me a faint smile and looks almost as scared as I am.

" I can't lose you too." My voice shakes and I wipe the remaining tears from my eyes.

"You never need to. " His eyes shine from the bright moonlight. Suddenly, his warm hand caresses my chin and lip.

"Go now!" His tone sounded so deep and serious. That's how I know we're in danger.

He has bulky arms which I'm only now noticing. 

The boy lifts me keeping me tight in his grip, I'm as light as a bird's feather to him. 

He carries my body by underneath my knees and my back.

"Wait!!" I Yelled.

His family face expresses worry as I am tossed to the wills of the sea and its depth. 

I tuck my knees in bracing the chilly sea and its dangerous impact that lies before me.

I leap up my heart pounding

Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom! 

I please up from my realistic dream, foggy, drenched in sweat and scared. 

My hair looked like a messy bun in my dresser mirrors clear reflection, but I couldn't care less.

I kept wondering about the boy in my dream.  Was it safe to call it that? 

Maybe, a nightmare made more sense since it scared me awake again.

I've had the same dream for two months now, each time was more scary, dangerous, spooky and livid than the previous one.

My head was spinning out of control with thoughts, so I calmed down drank my green tea and sat up in my single bed.

My table light brightly shined on the current library book I was invested in.

I read it last night and surprisingly the themes in the mystery book were quite similar to my own dreaming each night.

I knew I could remember that boy if I focused hard enough, he knew my name so we'be obviously met. 

But where? 



Why on Earth was he in my dreams?

Father was right everyone does get to the age when they need counselling. 

I shook my head miserably.

My bedroom clock striking one am as I clicked my table light off and turned the book light on it's lowest setting to read the rest of " Spellbound in his Heart". 

Thanks for reading! 💞

I hoped you enjoyed this short story and that you will be ready to experience more mystery, comedy, chick-lit, and lots of romance.

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- Love you lovelies 

Thanks for your support Bella Babes 😄💖

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